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Friday, July 26, 2024


With his unemployment running out, Cameron had signed up for a medical experiment that offered to pay him $100 per day. But when he found out what it entailed, he seriously considered backing out. It seemed that for a month, they were going to swap his brain into someone else’s body. It was absolutely crazy, but his hesitation was more about who he’d be swapping with. If he agreed to this, his brain would be put inside the body of a scrawny white woman; while she would be inside his Black male body. He was seriously off-put by the entire idea, but his need for the money ultimately won out.

The procedure took longer than he had expected, and there was a lengthy period to allow the participants to adjust to their new bodies. By the time he left and began walking home, it was getting dark. Cameron always hated being out of this time. It wasn’t uncommon for a police car to pull up with an officer convinced he was in the “wrong neighborhood.” Cameron always hated it. Wrong neighborhood? Hell, he lived here!

He was only two doors away from home when a police car did pull up and expected the usual. Instead, the officer politely asked if Cameron was in need a ride home or if he’d like an escort of any kind. It took Cameron by surprise until he remembered what he currently looked like. As much as he hated being stuck in this body for the next month, at least there were some inconveniences he wouldn’t have to put up with. Though as he noticed the officer eyeing his new body up and down, he also realized there were a few other inconveniences that he’d have to get used to.

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