Friday, July 19, 2024

Ms. Lee

It hadn’t been easy for Dave in the weeks after the Great Shift. Every single guy in his fraternity had swapped bodies with a woman, as did Dave; however, while they all swapped into really hot bodies (mostly from the neighboring sorority), Dave had swapped bodies with his 50 year old economics professor, Ms. Lee.

He tried to stay hidden in his room. He always took his meals from the cafeteria; he used Zoom to attend classes remotely whenever possible. But Ms. Lee had recently emailed him about how her doctor had emphasized the importance of going to the gym at her age. And so Dave reluctantly headed out one morning.

Just as he was nearing the entrance, he caught sight of two of his frat brother coming his way. He quickly turned to leave, but it was too late.

“Hey, Dave!” One shouted, “What’s up?”

Dave cringed before slowly turning around, “Hey Jake. Hey Dwayne. I’m just, uh, heading to the gym.”

“Good luck. I don’t think you’re gonna be able to do anything about Ms. Lee’s flat ass. Be careful you don’t give her a heart attack. She’s ancient!”

Dave feigned a laugh before heading inside. He knew they were attempting to make fun of one of their teachers with their comments, but it was really hard not to take those attacks personally.

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