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Monday, July 29, 2024

Iteration #56

The room seemed impossibly large to fit inside the architecture of the house, but that wasn’t even the weirdest thing about the space. As I looked around the room, there were clones of my body in suspended animation. Things got even creepier when a robotic voice echoed on the loudspeaker.

“You shouldn’t be here.” The voice said.

“Where even is here?” I asked.

“This is where you were born.”

“What do you mean?”

“Each time you die, your mind regerates here in a new body. And each time, it is more suited to your desires. And each time, improvemens are made. Your present form is iteration #56, Oliver.”

“Oliver? But that’s a guy’s name! My name is Olivia!”

“Desire for female form began in iteration #27. Memories between iterations are erased and replaced with suitable memories for each new form.”

“I used to be a guy? No way! No way! And who are you?”

“I am merely an AI to assist you and continue the iteration process. I am here to assist.”

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