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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Genius (Part 4)

View Part 1 of Genius.
View Part 2 of Genius.
View Part 3 of Genius.

The next day, Martin and his mom had a lot to discuss. Thanks to Martin’s invention, they would have to live in each other’s bodies for the next two years. His mom would have it pretty easy. Martin had mostly stayed at home tinkering on various inventions, so she could probably either stay at home doing nothing or get any number of temporary jobs. She may have had his body, but she didn’t have his social anxiety. Whatever she chose to do would be pretty easy for her.

Martin, on the other hand, would have it a lot harder. He’d have to handle his mom’s job. While he was certainly smart enough that the actual work would be no problem, the social interaction aspect of it would be more of a challenge. And while he’d be able to wear whatever around the house, like he currently was, getting dressed in women’s work clothes and putting on makeup were things he was not looking forward to. Still, he told himself how well he did last night going from club-to-club looking for his mom. He did manage to talk to people, and he did in a dress and heels! He COULD do it, even if he didn’t want to. Every day was going to be a challenge, but with one down, ther were only 729 to go until they could swap back to normal.

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