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Monday, July 22, 2024

Amusement for the Masses

I always used to love the Fictionmania story, Amusement for the Masses, and this caption is loosely inspired by it.

While Chuck and Jack were freaking out about swapping bodies with some women at the amusement park, Alan didn’t seem to care. He saw there was no line at the go-karts and went right in for a ride.

“There’s no point about freaking out about all this,” He explained to his friends, “So we’re now in the bodies of three chicks? So what? Are you really going to let it ruin your day? Besides, maybe we’ll learn something from the experience.”

“I wanted to pick up chicks, not be one!” Jack protested.

“What better way to learn? I’m sure a bunch of guys will hit on you before the day is out, then you’ll know what feels right and what feels creepy.”

“I don’t want to be hit on all day! And what good will any of that do if I’m stuck like this!?”

Alan shrugged before he got in the go-kart, “Sulk all you want, I guess. I don’t think complaining is going to do us any good. So we’re women now? Really, who cares? It doesn’t change anything!”

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