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Friday, July 12, 2024

A Quick Escape

When the Great Shift first happened, it was like the world stood still for a moment. There was an eerie calm that fell over many usually crowded locations as the realizations of being in a new body settled in.

Daniel found himself in the body of an attractive woman in a busy city park. He soon noted the calm building to a dull murmur as people began to ask questions and connect with their original bodies. But that murmur began to grow louder, slowly becoming a thunderous cacophony shouts and screams.

Then just a few feet away from him, a punch was thrown. This seemed to set off a powder keg of people fighting each other. Daniel wanted no part of any of this. Not only was he not the fighting type, he didn’t think this new body of his would hold up well in a fight. Not that getting away was exactly easy either! He wasn’t used to the high heels on his feet, but he didn’t have much time to learn. If he tripped and fell, he could find himself overwhelmed by the violence that was quickly surrounding him. Somehow he made his way out safely from the chaos of the situation.

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