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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spells 'R Us 2.0 (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Spells R Us 2.0.
View Part 2 of Spells R Us 2.0.

For a while, Connor called the store every day to see if the tablet was back in stock. Then he shifted to about once a week. After a while, it seemed like the store wasn’t even picking up the phone anymore. Finally, one day he called and an automated voice said the number was not in service.

Connor got on the bus and headed to the mall. The electronics store was gone. It was like it never existed. He tried to go to a different store, thinking he might be able to buy the tablet elsewhere. That’s when things got really weird. The other stores hadn’t even heard abotu the tablet before; it was like he had made it all up in his head.

Yet Connor knew that tablet existed; he was sure it’s what caused him to be in this body. He once again fond himself walking the mall to think about it. Walking was much harder this time.

While Elena had filled him in on a lot, she had no way to know she was pregnany when they swapped. And Connor didn’t even realize he was missing periods. By the time he knew, it was much too late to do anyting about. Elena’s parents yelled at him; they talked about a boyfriend Connor had never met. Connor guessed Elena had broken up with him not long before the swap. He couldn’t believe he was likely stuck like this for the rest of his life! He was now Elena, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Playing Death

The withered skeleton known as Death looked down at the board. It was the first time he had lost a game in over a hundred years, and the first time ever he had lost two. Losing the first game meant that Death would have to grant this man’s life back. Of course, after the second game, calling him a “man” no longer seemed fitting, as he gained the ability to come back to life in perfect health as any recently deceased person. Death was surprised by the man’s selection of an attractive female.

But now the third game was on the line, and Death knew he couldn’t lose. The man was asking to stay alive forever, and Death knew the man had miscalculated. Being alive forever was not the same thing as staying young forever. The man’s newfound beauty would fade, and his body would still inevitably decay. It was the same deal Death had negotiated back when he was a mortal.

If this man won, Death knew it was only a matter of time until he’d have a replacement. He even thought about throwing the match to guarantee it, but it just wasn’t in Death’s nature. No, he knew he was going to try to win, but he was sincerely hoping he wouldn’t.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Working in Mysterious Ways

George was at home alone on a Saturday afternoon and feeling quite miserable as he thought about his life. Since turning 40 a few years ago, his life seemed to be in a downward spiral. He was always gaining weight, his wife had left him, and just this week he had lost his job.

As he thought about wishing how things could be different, the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find a young woman holding the Bible and blathering on about Jesus before George even had time to say hello.

It wasn’t what he wanted to hear right now, and just about as he was about to tell her to leave, a flash of light washed over them both. In the next instant, he noticed he was standing out, and (in a way) he got his wish. Things were certainly now very different since he had swapped bodies with the woman who had came to his door.

With a smile on his face, he turned and bolted out of there as fast as he could. Whatever gave him this chance, he didn’t want to lose it. The woman now in his body started yelling angrily.

George couldn’t think of any sort of response aside from shouting, “I guess it’s just the Lord working in mysterious ways!”