Thursday, August 31, 2023

Changes (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Changes.
Jim arrived at the beach feeling exhausted from the run. He had been in pretty good shape, so he could only assume that along with his race and gender, his athleticism had swapped with someone as well. Another issue soon arose. If his wife had experienced the swaps like everyone else, how would he even be able to recognize her? Fortunately, he didn’t have to. After walking around aimlessly for a bit, he heard his name being shouted. He turned to see a man laying there wearing his wife’s bikini (and still filling the top out nicely with the bottoms now being filled out in a manly way). Much like everyone else besides Jim, she was thinking this was all perfectly normal. As Jim took a seat next to his wife, he tried to think of a way to convince her of everything that wouldn’tmake him seem crazy.

Jim arrived at the beach feeling exhausted from the run. He had been in pretty good shape, so he could only assume that along with his race and gender, his athleticism had swapped with someone as well. Another issue soon arose. If his wife had experienced the swaps like everyone else, how would he even be able to recognize her?

Fortunately, he didn’t have to. After walking around aimlessly for a bit, he heard his name being shouted. He turned to see a man laying there wearing his wife’s bikini (and still filling the top out nicely with the bottoms now being filled out in a manly way). Much like everyone else besides Jim, she was thinking this was all perfectly normal. As Jim took a seat next to his wife, he tried to think of a way to convince her of everything that wouldn’tmake him seem crazy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Nerdy Stuff

Adam rushed back into the lab as fast as he could. He looked straight into the eyes of his own body and asked, “Please tell me you didn’t touch anything.”

“Naw,” His own body replied, “And why do you have my face?”

“If you haven’t figured it out yet, you have mine as well,” He explained to the woman he had swapped bodies with, “The experiment should have been confined to this lab, but seeing as you and I swapped bodies, well, clearly it was not.”

“Well, I don’t want to be in some nerd’s body, and I don’t want some nerd in my body neither. Can you fix it?”

“I think so.” Adam went to the computer to look at the logs. Typing with the fake nails that were on his fingers proved to be an unexpected challenge for him. In an instant, an incorrect key was pressed, resulting in a massive data loss. What should have been fixed in a few minutes would now likely take days. And he was going to be stuck in this woman’s body in the meantime. He wasn’t happy about that, and he was absolutely certain she wouldn’t be either.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tea Party

I wish my mom never had another kid. I was fifteen when my sister Maddie was born; don’t most parents stop once their kids are that old? I have nothing against siblings either! It’s just that Maddie is pure evil. I don’t mean that in a mean way either! I actually love my little sister a lot, but she has literal magic powers that I can only describe as evil. We first noticed them when she was around four years old. Anything she said or wanted could become reality. The only saving grace seemed to be the power didn’t work when she was having a temper tantrum.

That being said, even coming from a good place could quickly become a nightmare. I was off at college when she was six, but she wanted me to attend a tea party. And then she wanted me to wear a pretty pink dress. And then she wanted me to be a princess for a far off land. Sure enough, that’s exactly who I became.

I played along (it was usually easier to play along). At the end I asked, “Can I go back to being your brother now?”

Maddie thought about it for a long time, and finally said, “No.”

And now I’ve been attending her daily tea parties in between the task of running a small, distant country as a princess.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Working (Part 1)

Bruno had started working at the factory in his early 20s. He worked hard, but in an unfortunate accident, his hand got crushed by a machine. The company, however, had an interesting benefit and offered to replace Bruno’s hand with a robotic part. It was weird having a robotic hand, but he found that he could actually do some things better than before (and it had no danger of being crushed). As he aged and his health faded, the company offered to replace more parts, often times these were robotic parts but sometimes they were bilogical transplants from other humans. The company didn’t allow Bruno to be picky. Everything just kept getting replaced, even as he aged. After 150 years working there, Bruno realized the human parts were more female than male, and he was easily more machine than man. He often dreamed of retiring, but the replacement parts weren’t free. He could never afford to stop working. He just had to keep going like this forever.

Bruno had started working at the factory in his early 20s. He worked hard, but in an unfortunate accident, his hand got crushed by a machine. The company, however, had an interesting benefit and offered to replace Bruno’s hand with a robotic part. It was weird having a robotic hand, but he found that he could actually do some things better than before (and it had no danger of being crushed). As he aged and his health faded, the company offered to replace more parts, often times these were robotic parts but sometimes they were bilogical transplants from other humans. The company didn’t allow Bruno to be picky. Everything just kept getting replaced, even as he aged. After 150 years working there, Bruno realized the human parts were more female than male, and he was easily more machine than man. He often dreamed of retiring, but the replacement parts weren’t free. He could never afford to stop working. He just had to keep going like this forever.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Dirty Laundry (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Dirty Laundry.
View Part 2 of Dirty Laundry.
Meanwhile, Mike’s dad was having a great time inside the body of Mike’s girlfriend, May. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so young and alive. Of course, this was likely due to the fact that he actually was several decades younger now. The fact that he was a woman now barely phased him. For the most part, he didn’t even think about it (except when a few frat guys made rude comments at him). Heck, he realized he wouldn’t even be sad if he stayed like this forever. At least, as far as he was concerned. He did realize it was unfair to Mei for him to keep this body if he had any way of giving it back. But, as of right now, that wasn’t even an option, so why not enjoy it?

Meanwhile, Mike’s dad was having a great time inside the body of Mike’s girlfriend, May. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so young and alive. Of course, this was likely due to the fact that he actually was several decades younger now. The fact that he was a woman now barely phased him. For the most part, he didn’t even think about it (except when a few frat guys made rude comments at him). Heck, he realized he wouldn’t even be sad if he stayed like this forever. At least, as far as he was concerned. He did realize it was unfair to Mei for him to keep this body if he had any way of giving it back. But, as of right now, that wasn’t even an option, so why not enjoy it?

Saturday, August 26, 2023


“I know that teleporting out brainwaves into the bodies of locals is way cheaper than flying, but did you know they were going to put us both in women’s bodies when you booked it?” Robert asked his wife.

“Women’s bodies here were significantly cheaper,” Betsy explained, “Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate me better being like that for a few weeks while we try to truly embrace the culture here. It also feels nice to be the taller one for a bit! Not that you’re new little body isn’t cute as well!”

“Oh, shut up. I know you’re loving this, but I hate it. I’m just thankful she had a few button up shirts and pants in her wardrobe.”

Friday, August 25, 2023


Ronald was running home in a rainstorm with his umbrella, but the lightning struck without warning. An identical incident was happening across town with a woman named Lisa. The lightning seems to scramble the electrical pathways in their brains, and now Ronald was essentially in Lisa’s body and Lisa was now in Ronald’s. Ronald screamed in terror at the fact that he was now in a woman’s body, and hearing the high pitched tone of his own screams only made him more horrified. The lightning around him continued to intensify, but another bolt never struck his umbrella, leaving him stuck in Lisa’s body after the storm had passed.

Ronald was running home in a rainstorm with his umbrella, but the lightning struck without warning. An identical incident was happening across town with a woman named Lisa. The lightning seems to scramble the electrical pathways in their brains, and now Ronald was essentially in Lisa’s body and Lisa was now in Ronald’s.

Ronald screamed in terror at the fact that he was now in a woman’s body, and hearing the high pitched tone of his own screams only made him more horrified. The lightning around him continued to intensify, but another bolt never struck his umbrella, leaving him stuck in Lisa’s body after the storm had passed.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Only One

Henry thought the Great Shift might have been easier for him if he wasn’t the only one he knew who ended up in a body that was overweight. But no, it seemed like everyone he knew ended up in a body that was not only slim but also really attractive.

His best friend, Jim, for instance? He found out the body he was now in used to be a model before the Shift. He had even gotten an offer to walk the runway wearing a bikini for Fashion Week in her place.

His girlfriend? Or maybe he should say ex-girlfriend now? Well, she wasn’t happy to be in a guy’s body, but it was certainly a buff, attractive body. It hadn’t taken her long to think of herself as too good to be dating Henry.

And so Henry was just feeling very isolated and alone. He told himself he probably wouldn’t have minded being overweight or a woman, but it was just the steady reminders about these things from just about everyone he knew.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Loving Wife (Part 1)

Peter’s cancer came suddenly, and within a week of diagnosis he was in the hospital. The doctors gave him six months to live, and almost the entire time would be in this hospital room. His wife Ayumi was at his side, and she only slipped away while he was asleep. At the end of the first week, she held a small charm in her hand. She told him it was magic and would allow them to swap bodies for a week. He tried to protest, but she insisted that he deserve a week outside of the hospital before he passed. Peter knew it was no use to argue; Ayumi wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Within minutes, Peter found himself walking out of the hospital in Ayumi’s body. He had a week to enjoy normal things and live a normal life -- well, as normal as he could while inside the body of his own wife!

Peter’s cancer came suddenly, and within a week of diagnosis he was in the hospital. The doctors gave him six months to live, and almost the entire time would be in this hospital room. His wife Ayumi was at his side, and she only slipped away while he was asleep.

At the end of the first week, she held a small charm in her hand. She told him it was magic and would allow them to swap bodies for a week. He tried to protest, but she insisted that he deserve a week outside of the hospital before he passed. Peter knew it was no use to argue; Ayumi wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

Within minutes, Peter found himself walking out of the hospital in Ayumi’s body. He had a week to enjoy normal things and live a normal life -- well, as normal as he could while inside the body of his own wife!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Today's Youth

About five years ago, Edgar’s family had put him in an assisted living home. He had been brilliant in his youth, pioneering several advances in the field of biological technology. But when he began ranting about mind control and ghosts, his family became worried. When they found him in his basement with several broken bones, they knew there was no choice. However, Edgar’s rants were actually based on a solid theory. And he had spent the years at the assisted living home building a device that would allow him to swap into a different, younger body. He didn’t want to test with anyone inside the home, so he aimed it ransomly out the window. And it worked! He looked down at his body. He had taken over the body of a young woman. He really couldn’t understand the fashion of today’s youth or the wild way she dressed, but he decided it was best to keep up the appearance as to not draw any undue attention to himself. If this is how she dressed before, this is how he would dress now, even if he did think it was weird. And now that he’d proved his device could work, he’d have to build another one. After all, he wanted to stay as far away from that assisted living home as possible.

About five years ago, Edgar’s family had put him in an assisted living home. He had been brilliant in his youth, pioneering several advances in the field of biological technology. But when he began ranting about mind control and ghosts, his family became worried. When they found him in his basement with several broken bones, they knew there was no choice.

However, Edgar’s rants were actually based on a solid theory. And he had spent the years at the assisted living home building a device that would allow him to swap into a different, younger body. He didn’t want to test with anyone inside the home, so he aimed it ransomly out the window. And it worked!

He looked down at his body. He had taken over the body of a young woman. He really couldn’t understand the fashion of today’s youth or the wild way she dressed, but he decided it was best to keep up the appearance as to not draw any undue attention to himself. If this is how she dressed before, this is how he would dress now, even if he did think it was weird. And now that he’d proved his device could work, he’d have to build another one. After all, he wanted to stay as far away from that assisted living home as possible.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Retreat Activity

It seems this couples retreat would be much more interesting than Jerry would have ever anticipated. Both he and his wife had heard rumors about how the retreat used very unique techniques to strengthen relationships. They had no idea one of those techniques included swapping bodies! They didn’t even swap bodies with each other; they had each swapped with another random person at the retreat. One of the activities was finding your partner no matter what body they ended up in. And there were no guarantees about the type of body anyone ended up in. Jerry, for instance, was now a woman. For some men, this might be a dead giveaway. But when his wife was out of town, Jerry often secretly dressed up in women’s clothes, put on makeup, and was generally skilled at doing much of what it took to be a woman. Maybe that would be the groundbreaking start for the rest of the weekend. That is, if they could even get passed the first task of figuring out which body each other was in.

It seems this couples retreat would be much more interesting than Jerry would have ever anticipated. Both he and his wife had heard rumors about how the retreat used very unique techniques to strengthen relationships. They had no idea one of those techniques included swapping bodies! They didn’t even swap bodies with each other; they had each swapped with another random person at the retreat. One of the activities was finding your partner no matter what body they ended up in. And there were no guarantees about the type of body anyone ended up in. Jerry, for instance, was now a woman.

For some men, this might be a dead giveaway. But when his wife was out of town, Jerry often secretly dressed up in women’s clothes, put on makeup, and was generally skilled at doing much of what it took to be a woman. Maybe that would be the groundbreaking start for the rest of the weekend. That is, if they could even get passed the first task of figuring out which body each other was in.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Expose (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Expose.
View Part 2 of Expose.

Dr. Baxter finished working just before dawn and turned to Amy, “I think it’s ready. There’s certainly risk involved. Do you still want to try?”

Amy nodded, and Dr. Baxter powered the machine up. It seemed to be whirring and sputtering this time. When the flash happened this time, Amy passed out.

She awoke a litle later, but she was unfortunately still inside Dr. Baxter’s body. Her own body seemed to be missing. She heard a noise and went to investigate. Her body was there wearing coveralls and holding a mop, cleaning the floor.

“Hola, Señor Baxter,” Her body said with a Spanish accent, “I found myself like this next to you. I tried to wake you up, but you didn’t get up. So I put on my uniform and went to work.”

It seemed a janitor was now inside Amy’s body, and luckily Dr. Baxter in the janitor’s body soon arrived.

“I must have miscalculated,” He explained, “You two both need to leave and return tonight. I can continue my work to fix things with this body. No one will ever suspect the janitor. Now, go!”

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Day (Part 3)

View Part 1 of The Day.
View Part 2 of The Day.
Over the next two hours, Jason and Matthew kept calling Jason’s phone to no avail. Matthew also helped Jason get ready for Amy’s job. He couldn’t believe he was going to be wearing a skirt all day and a bra! When Matthew said that Amy was a lawyer, Jason was a little worried. Matthew laughed and told him it shouldn’t be a problem. Any documents Amy might need today, she would have prepared well in advance, and he should simply take any new papers back home. Hopefully, they’d be able to get in touch with Amy at some point today. Jason took a deep breath as he walked out the front door of Amy and Matthew’s house. This was going to be a long, weird day -- and it was just getting started!

Over the next two hours, Jason and Matthew kept calling Jason’s phone to no avail. Matthew also helped Jason get ready for Amy’s job. He couldn’t believe he was going to be wearing a skirt all day and a bra! When Matthew said that Amy was a lawyer, Jason was a little worried. Matthew laughed and told him it shouldn’t be a problem. Any documents Amy might need today, she would have prepared well in advance, and he should simply take any new papers back home. Hopefully, they’d be able to get in touch with Amy at some point today.

Jason took a deep breath as he walked out the front door of Amy and Matthew’s house. This was going to be a long, weird day -- and it was just getting started!

Friday, August 18, 2023


William told himself that it couldn’t be possible. Did he just see the magic taxi again? There was no way. It wasn’t just that no one in the journal ever mentioned seeing it a second time; it was also the fact that he was thousands of miles away from where he first swapped into this body. But maybe he was lucky? He started to run after it. Maybe he could catch it. If he did, he could take a different body. He didn’t hate this one by any means. In fact, there were aspects about it that he absolutely loved. Being a woman, for instance, felt more right than he could’ve ever imagined. But he didn’t know much about the woman when he first got her body. He didn’t know about her troubles with immigration, nor did he know she was seeing her lawyer that day. He missed her court date and ended up getting deported. That’s why he was here in a foreign country where he didn’t know the language. And if the magic taxi was here too? Well, it was finally a chance to go back home! But he never got the chance. The magic taxi drove faster than he could ever run. As it rounded a few corners, it was gone again.

William told himself that it couldn’t be possible. Did he just see the magic taxi again? There was no way. It wasn’t just that no one in the journal ever mentioned seeing it a second time; it was also the fact that he was thousands of miles away from where he first swapped into this body. But maybe he was lucky? He started to run after it.

Maybe he could catch it. If he did, he could take a different body. He didn’t hate this one by any means. In fact, there were aspects about it that he absolutely loved. Being a woman, for instance, felt more right than he could’ve ever imagined. But he didn’t know much about the woman when he first got her body. He didn’t know about her troubles with immigration, nor did he know she was seeing her lawyer that day. He missed her court date and ended up getting deported.

That’s why he was here in a foreign country where he didn’t know the language. And if the magic taxi was here too? Well, it was finally a chance to go back home! But he never got the chance. The magic taxi drove faster than he could ever run. As it rounded a few corners, it was gone again.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Grant shot an evil eye in Tina’s direction across the gym. He wasn’t sure she even noticed; she seemed to be enjoying herself too much in his body. When they had first swapped, she seemed disgusted to be in nerdy male body. It wasn’t like he wanted to be a woman either, but at least Tina’s body was hot! It would’ve seemed insane if she had given up her body on purpose just to steal his.

Yet, as the weeks passed, Tina had started to get Grant’s former body in quite good shape. And maybe stealing his body wasn’t even the true goal. After all, she had to pick up his high paying job as well, which she seemed to do effortlessly. Meanwhile, Grant was stuck in Tina’s job as a part-time bartender and struggling actress.

He had hoped the whole thing was temporary and accidental, but the more he watched her, the more he was less sure. As much as he never wanted to be Tina, he guessed it was finally time to fully embrace it. He could pick up a few extra shifts bartending; he could become the best possible actress he couldbe, maybe even make a career out of it. Sure, dealing with all the complexities of being a woman for the rest of his life could be challenging, but when was he ever afraid of hard work?

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Not So Bad (Part 5)

View Part 1 of Not So Bad.
View Part 2 of Not So Bad.
View Part 3 of Not So Bad.
View Part 4 of Not So Bad.

Doug decided it might not be the worst idea to check out the resort’s gym. After all, if Exchange Island’s spa was able to make his borrowed body young, perhaps the gym could give him the type of beach body like Mark had gotten.

Working out at the gym was surprisingly easy. He was able to do things like lift well above what was logically possible and push his body without getting tired in the slightest. It would seem strange if not for the fact that he had swapped bodies and gotten de-aged already.

There was an unexpected side effect of the gym, however. Instead of finding himself with a slender figure, after a mere five minutes, he bulked up instead. His new muscles were quite a sight, and he wondered if this gym was the reason for all those buff guys Mark had pointed out earlier.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Despite my sister being a college freshmen, she still lived at home instead of moving into the dorms. One Saturday, she said something about heading to a study group and ran down the stairs just as I was heading up. We ended up bumping heads, which ended up causing us to swap bodies.

We tried bumping heads again, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t believe I was stuck in my nerdy sister’s body, and that I had to go to her stupid study group. I was cursing it all when she leaned over to whisper in my ear. She explained that the study group was a guise; she was actually going to a pool party. Her bikini was under her sweatshirt and sweatpants. Then she warned me not to screw it up.

I left with her friends, but I was quiet in the car until we arrived at some rich kid’s house. I went inside and realized I needed to take my sister’s sweatshirt and sweatpants off. I was surprised by the fact that she had on a bikini and not a one piece, and by the fact that my sister actually had a really nice body. She seemed to be always wearing such baggy clothes that I had never really noticed, which I soon learned (based on the comments of her friends) that this was something she only did to hide some of her outfits from our parents. I was beginning to think my sister might not be the nerdy girl I thought she was.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Magic Staff (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Magic Staff.
Jason never saw the witch or his body again. For the rest of the convention, many people treated him as a hero -- though a few feared him, thinking he was actually the witch and not just in her body. He figured out how to use the staff and swapped any people who came to him wanting to get back to their own bodies. Plenty of people didn’t want to swap back. If one person wanted to and the other one didn’t, he was torn at first. However, ultimately he decided it was pretty violating to the original person’s body if he refused to swap them back. Luckily, the staff seemed to instill the ability to tell who was really who. He also offered to swap the person not wanting to swap back to switch with someone else  -- if they could find a willing party. And while Jason had been apprehesive aboout being in a woman’s body at first, he was getting used to it by the time the convention was over. Though he really couldn’t go back to his old life looking like this. He wondered what he would do now...

Jason never saw the witch or his body again. For the rest of the convention, many people treated him as a hero -- though a few feared him, thinking he was actually the witch and not just in her body. He figured out how to use the staff and swapped any people who came to him wanting to get back to their own bodies. Plenty of people didn’t want to swap back. If one person wanted to and the other one didn’t, he was torn at first. However, ultimately he decided it was pretty violating to the original person’s body if he refused to swap them back. Luckily, the staff seemed to instill the ability to tell who was really who. He also offered to swap the person not wanting to swap back to switch with someone else -- if they could find a willing party. And while Jason had been apprehesive aboout being in a woman’s body at first, he was getting used to it by the time the convention was over. Though he really couldn’t go back to his old life looking like this. He wondered what he would do now...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Antiques (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Antiques.

“I’m sorry,” Kevin said standing up on the other side of the store; he was now inside the body of the store’s owner, “I guess we didn’t see it.”

“Well, the rules exist for a reason!” The store owner in Kevin’s body retorted, “It was likely take me months to locate another artifact that will undo this.”

“Months!? But I can’t go to work in your body!”

“No, you most certainly cannot. You have my body, so you need to tend to my shop.”

“I can’t --”

“This is your screw up. I will be working overtime to fix it. If you do not help, those months turn to years.”

Kevin looked over at his wife, hoping she’d signal something with her body language. It took him a few moments to remember she had swapped with his brother. Sure enough, Kyle’s body was nodding, so Kevin agreed he would help out in the shop, truly terrified that he would be stuck in this body for a few months.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Secret Body Swapping Machine

Based off of this interactive story.
Kyle couldn’t believe he was having to sneak back onto his land he owned. Of course, no one had any clue who he really was. In fact, this was the whole reason he had to sneak back. When he found that strange invention in the machine shop on his farm, he had no idea it could swap two people’s bodies! That is, until he and his neighbor Rebecca did just that! He wanted to switch back right away; she had other ideas. She pretended to be him and told his family that “Rebecca” was crazy. He tried to explain, but they wouldn’t listen. Not that he could blame them; he probably wouldn’t believe it either. But he figured that if he could get to the device, he could swap with someone else, and then get close to tell his family exactly what happened. He hadn’t yet planned who he was going to swap bodies with; he’d figure that out later. All he knew now is that he couldn’t solve his problems while he was still in Rebecca’s body.

Kyle couldn’t believe he was having to sneak back onto his land he owned. Of course, no one had any clue who he really was. In fact, this was the whole reason he had to sneak back. When he found that strange invention in the machine shop on his farm, he had no idea it could swap two people’s bodies! That is, until he and his neighbor Rebecca did just that! He wanted to switch back right away; she had other ideas. She pretended to be him and told his family that “Rebecca” was crazy. He tried to explain, but they wouldn’t listen. Not that he could blame them; he probably wouldn’t believe it either. But he figured that if he could get to the device, he could swap with someone else, and then get close to tell his family exactly what happened. He hadn’t yet planned who he was going to swap bodies with; he’d figure that out later. All he knew now is that he couldn’t solve his problems while he was still in Rebecca’s body.

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It could be a rough time for my sites in the coming months! The best thing you can do to support me is to Subscribe to My Patreon. I put a lot of the older archives up on there so far, plenty of captions you won't see on this site, and more. Also, it just seriously helps me out, keeps THIS site running as well, and so on. If you like what I do, please consider subscribing (even if just for a little while); it is the best way you can show your support for what I do.

Friday, August 11, 2023


Rhys sat nervously on the bed as he waited for Aiden to arrive. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do, but he ran through the weird series of events that brought him to this point. It had all started one day at work when he felt sick. By the next day, he had been transformed into a woman somehow. Not being sure what to do, he posted to social media for help. A few female friends offered to give him some clothes that fit, he was thankful. And then there was Aiden.

According to his profile, Aiden had gone to the same high school, but Rhys didn’t recognize him. Aiden explained he was a scientist, and actually had done research into spontaneous changing of genders; he even had a cure. Though he warned Rhys the cure may be unpleasant.

Rhys begged Aiden to help him out. And Aiden had to explain the cure could only be injected through intercourse. Rhys was hesitant, but desperate. And that’s why he was waiting for Aiden now. Rhys couldn’t believe he was going to sleep with a guy, but if it meant returning to normal, it would be worth it.

After it was over, Rhys asked Aiden how long it would take to transform back. Aiden just laughed. He was an expert on spontaneous gender changes, and he had used that to transform Rhys in the first place. There was no changing back; there was no cure. Sleeping together had just been a way to humiliate Rhys, who had bullied Aiden in high school. And Aiden was mad that Rhys didn’t even seem to remember!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Don't Be So Dumb

Brian was always a little frustrated by how dumb people could be, and the Great Shift did little too extinguish that belief. He was on a plane when everyone swapped bodies, and he ended up in the body of a flight attendant. It would seem only logical that on a flight where just about everyone was in the wrong body and knew everyone else was in the wrong body to figure that the person in the body of the flight attendant would not be an actual flight attendant? But no. They kept asking him for things or wondering why he wasn’t wandering the aisle or helping the pilots. They couldn’t look pass the uniform to apply the most basic thoughts. Brian supposed he was probably lucky that the plane didn’t crash. Many did that day. A small part of him almost wished it did, because when he landed, it was more of the same. People thought he knew the way around the airport or could help them with their problems. Of course he couldn’t! Like every other person on this dumb, goddamn planet, he was just swapped into this body! He wasn’t actually a flight attendant!

Brian was always a little frustrated by how dumb people could be, and the Great Shift did little too extinguish that belief. He was on a plane when everyone swapped bodies, and he ended up in the body of a flight attendant. It would seem only logical that on a flight where just about everyone was in the wrong body and knew everyone else was in the wrong body to figure that the person in the body of the flight attendant would not be an actual flight attendant? But no. They kept asking him for things or wondering why he wasn’t wandering the aisle or helping the pilots. They couldn’t look pass the uniform to apply the most basic thoughts.

Brian supposed he was probably lucky that the plane didn’t crash. Many did that day. A small part of him almost wished it did, because when he landed, it was more of the same. People thought he knew the way around the airport or could help them with their problems. Of course he couldn’t! Like every other person on this dumb, goddamn planet, he was just swapped into this body! He wasn’t actually a flight attendant!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Game (Part 3)

View Part 1 of The Game.
View Part 2 of The Game.

Emma hoped the break was just watching some TV or something, but her friends wanted to go out to a club. Normally, Emma would be all down for that -- she loved the club -- but given the current situation, she was a little concerned. However, it also made sense. All her friends looked like her, it seemed they were also somewhat acting like how she would as well! They borrowed some of Emma’s clothes and went out.

Emma would have to admit that it was the most fun she ever had going out with her friends. Tricia was often self-conscious about her appearance, Jackson sort of hated the club, and Nick was always annoying hitting on women. But none of that tonight! Instead, they were actually all able to have a good time.

But when Emma suggested they go home and finish the game, her three friends looked puzzled.

“What game?” Jackson asked.

Nick added, “What are you talking about? Just relax and have fun, Emma!”

Now Emma was really worried.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

It Started with a Cough

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“Excuse me, Nurse. Where is...” He checked his forms, “Mr. Baldwin?”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

stead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“Excuse me, Nurse. Where is...” He checked his forms, I am Jerry Baldwin!” The nurse protested, “I came in with a cough. And somehow I coughed hard enough that it sort of ejected my soul frommy body. The nurse was standing here...she must’ve breathed me in! And so I became her while my own body just sort of turned to dust! I was just changing into the gown, so you could take a look at me. After all, something is very wrong here!”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

“I see. This is beyond my expertise I’m afraid, but I do have a colleague that might be able to help you.”

Dr. Hans Fielding entered his office quite surprised. Instead of the patient he was expecting, he saw his nurse there; she seemed to be taking off her uniform.

Dr. Fielding handed Jerry a card for a psychiatrist, thinking his nurse had gone completely crazy. It seemed like an absolutely off-the-wall story, but the thing is -- it was absolutely the truth!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Shopping Trip

The last thing I wanted to do after the Great Shift plopped me into a woman’s body was go shopping. I didn’t have much of a choice as none of my men’s clothes fit me anymore and my wife was sick and tired of me stretching out her tops. The moment the stores opened, she insisted I go out.

As I browsed the shelves, I realized I didn’t know much about my new body and approached a clerk for help. The guy looked at me with a bit of anger in his eyes that I coulnd’t figure out at first.

“Well, first of all,” The clerk said, “This is the men’s section. You need to be in the women’s section. And even there, you probably won’t find anything that fits. With a body like yours, you probably need something custom, or at least have things altered.”

“Wow! Thanks! How do you know so much?” I asked.

“Because that used to be MY body!”

My eyes lit up, and I smiled, “Oh, my God! Then you can really help me! You can tell me exactly what size I am! And maybe I could have some of your old clothes? I know its pretty common for people to give their clothes to the people that got shifted into their body!”

I should’ve realized she was pretty upset about losing her body. Instead of replying, she just shot me a death stare. When I finally walked away, I could’ve sworn I heard her crying.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Close the Door on Your Way Out

Brandon heard a knock at the bedroom door as he lay on the bed. “Come in,” He said reluctantly.

A man entered the room. He looked rather timid.

“What are you?” Brandon asked, “Are you this woman’s roommate? Boyfriend? Husband?”

“I’m--I’m not sure,” The man said nervously, “I found myself in this body just like you probably found yourself in that one. Haven’t you watched the news? Or picked up a phone? Everyone in the world has swapped bodies?”

“I woke up with these giant things on my chest. You think I’ve taken the time to do anything but play with them for the past several hours? I guess I’m thankful for the information, but I’d also like to get back to it, so if you could just close the door on the way out, I would appreciate it!”

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Mission (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Mission.
I seemed to be in the same place I was when she transformed my body and took control of it. From the moment she told me what she was doing until now, all I could remember was darkness. There were no sights or sounds, no senses at all. I didn’t dream or desire. I wasn’t making up anything to keep myself occupied; it was just darkness. I could feel time was passing, but I couldn’t tell you if it was minutes or decades. When I was finally given back control, it took a minute to realize what having a body, having emotions, and having thoughts even meant. I was processing the fact that I was a woman now. I wasn’t wearing the same clothes I was; my hair was longer -- even longer than she had made it when she changed me into this form. Time must have passed. She probably created a life for me. I probably should have been angry, but that emotion wasn’t fully there yet; so it was more like a mild confusion and frustration. I held a purse. Was there information inside? I seemed to also be gaining knowledge; not just about what I knew, but pieces she left for me. Maybe that’s why she picked this spot. No one had had notice her transform my body in the first place and now no one notice me just standing there processing.

I seemed to be in the same place I was when she transformed my body and took control of it. From the moment she told me what she was doing until now, all I could remember was darkness. There were no sights or sounds, no senses at all. I didn’t dream or desire. I wasn’t making up anything to keep myself occupied; it was just darkness. I could feel time was passing, but I couldn’t tell you if it was minutes or decades. When I was finally given back control, it took a minute to realize what having a body, having emotions, and having thoughts even meant. I was processing the fact that I was a woman now. I wasn’t wearing the same clothes I was; my hair was longer -- even longer than she had made it when she changed me into this form. Time must have passed. She probably created a life for me. I probably should have been angry, but that emotion wasn’t fully there yet; so it was more like a mild confusion and frustration. I held a purse. Was there information inside? I seemed to also be gaining knowledge; not just about what I knew, but pieces she left for me. Maybe that’s why she picked this spot. No one had had notice her transform my body in the first place and now no one notice me just standing there processing.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Putting Their Heads Together (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Putting Their Heads Together.

Considering she wasn’t far from her apartment, Heather decided it was best to go back there with the man she had swapped bodies with.

He took off her coat and introduced himself. “My name is James...or it was, I guess my name is now...what?”

“Heather,” Heather replied.

“Well, for now, I’m Heather,” James said, “Unless you think bashing out heads together again right now is going to solve the problem?”

“It never does,” Heather said nervously, “At least not in the animes I watched where two people swap bodies.”

“Oh, clearly an expert source for body swapping! I’m guess you were on your way to work? What is it I am going to be doing for a living today?”


“I’ve done that. I think I can still handle it. I have to day off, so how about you chill here while I handle your shift for the day, then when I get back, we’ll find a way to swap back to normal?”

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Virtual Insanity

Rick had gotten the new virtual reality gaming system on the day of release and immediately went home to play it. After putting the device on and playing a fighting game, he marveled at how realistic it all felt. It was like he felt like he was really punching something, and like he ws really getting hit too! Even the bulked up body he picked seemed like his. After a few more tries, he got really curious and picked a female fighter. Sure enough, the body felt extremely realistic, from the weight he felt on his chest to the smooth legs. And he fought, suddenly things went dark. He threw off the device, seeing a red, glowing error circle on it. Angry that it had broken so quickly, he resolved to return it to the store tomorrow. But when he sat on the couch, he noticed something seemed to have gone terribly wrong. He could still feel the weight on his chest and the smooth legs. Against all logic, it wasn’t just an effect of the VR game, his entire body had been changed!

Rick had gotten the new virtual reality gaming system on the day of release and immediately went home to play it. After putting the device on and playing a fighting game, he marveled at how realistic it all felt. It was like he felt like he was really punching something, and like he ws really getting hit too! Even the bulked up body he picked seemed like his. After a few more tries, he got really curious and picked a female fighter. Sure enough, the body felt extremely realistic, from the weight he felt on his chest to the smooth legs. And he fought, suddenly things went dark. He threw off the device, seeing a red, glowing error circle on it. Angry that it had broken so quickly, he resolved to return it to the store tomorrow. But when he sat on the couch, he noticed something seemed to have gone terribly wrong. He could still feel the weight on his chest and the smooth legs. Against all logic, it wasn’t just an effect of the VR game, his entire body had been changed!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Eventually (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Eventually.
View Part 2 of Eventually.
The months dragged on without a solution, though Victoria kept promising Preston that she was close. As the months passed, Victoria knew she wasn’t going to be able to use the airline tickets she had bought for spring break. While it had been easy to sort out their swap with the university, neither had wanted to try to explain things to the government to get new documents. So she offered the trip to Preston as an apology. A free week at a tropical resort for spring break seemed like a good deal to Preston, even if he did have to enjoy it inside of Victoria’s body. As he finally relaxed, far away from anyone he knew, he was finally able to get comfortable in Victoria’s body. He was no longer constantly covering up or hiding. He actually enjoyed going out to the beach or showing off in a bikini! It was hard to imagine, but was he really enjoying himself in the first time in forever? Did he actually sort of like having Victoria’s body?

The months dragged on without a solution, though Victoria kept promising Preston that she was close. As the months passed, Victoria knew she wasn’t going to be able to use the airline tickets she had bought for spring break. While it had been easy to sort out their swap with the university, neither had wanted to try to explain things to the government to get new documents. So she offered the trip to Preston as an apology. A free week at a tropical resort for spring break seemed like a good deal to Preston, even if he did have to enjoy it inside of Victoria’s body.

As he finally relaxed, far away from anyone he knew, he was finally able to get comfortable in Victoria’s body. He was no longer constantly covering up or hiding. He actually enjoyed going out to the beach or showing off in a bikini! It was hard to imagine, but was he really enjoying himself in the first time in forever? Did he actually sort of like having Victoria’s body?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Miscalculated (Part 4)

View Part 1 of Miscalculated.
View Part 2 of Miscalculated.
View Part 3 of Miscalculated.
The next morning when Harvey woke up, he was surprised to see that he was still at the resort and still very much inside the body of Marc’s mom. Something had gone wrong. He was supposed to be back in his own body by now. Luckily, Marc’s dad was still asleep and snoring. The first thing Harvey needed to do was get out of this room without awakening him. He didn’t want to fighting off the advances of Marc’s dad all day while he figured out this problem. He got dressed as quietly as possible and slipped out of the room.

The next morning when Harvey woke up, he was surprised to see that he was still at the resort and still very much inside the body of Marc’s mom. Something had gone wrong. He was supposed to be back in his own body by now.

Luckily, Marc’s dad was still asleep and snoring. The first thing Harvey needed to do was get out of this room without awakening him. He didn’t want to fighting off the advances of Marc’s dad all day while he figured out this problem. He got dressed as quietly as possible and slipped out of the room.