Sunday, December 31, 2023

After a Few Months

Marc hadn’t complained much since the Great Shift, but after a few months, he was finally ready to let loose about one particular frustration about his new body. As he sat doing crunches at the gym, he began to talk about with the person next to him.

“I think I was probably depressed when the Great Shift first happened,” Marc confessed, “I mean, I couldn’t stop eating! I think I was sad about being a woman now instead of the man I once was; I cried alone a lot. And I started to gain weight, so I told myself to eat better and to go to the gym. I mean, I’ve been doing that a lot; I’m here now, right!? And yet, I keep gaining weight! Look at me! I’m getting a beer belly...and I don’t even drink! I’m sorry to unload on you, it’s just that --”

The person next to Marc interupted, “Are you stupid? I don’t mean to be rude, but, seriously, how dumb can you be. That body isn’t ‘getting fat;’ it’s pregnant. I guess even when men have female anatomy, they choose to be absolutely clueless about it. What did you think when you didn’t get your period?”

“My what? Pregnant?” Marc’s heart was racing. He hadn’t even considered it, but once they said it, he knew they were right! He WAS pregnant!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

This Is How I Amuse Myself

Lauren felt dizzy after getting off the amusement park ride. Something about it was much more intense than usual. As the dizziness settled down, she flipped out once she realized she was now in the body of some random guy! She desperately began to search the park for her former body; she finally found it as night fell. It was sitting on a bench holding an odd device.

“Give me back my body!” Lauren demanded.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible,” The man now in her body replied, “Our swap was a test -- a successful test! But I have placed pieces in the park, which will trigger a massive swapping event for everyone in the park. Well, everyone over there on that side of the park. I’ve quite taken to your body and I don’t plan on giving it up. But I think if you rush over there, you might be lucky enough to get a better body than my former balding, middle aged one.”

“Why the hell would you do this?” Lauren cried.

“It’s an amusement park, is it not? This is how I amuse myself. Now, you’d better hurry. I really think you’ll want to take your chances amongst the choas that’s about to happen...”

Friday, December 29, 2023

The Prison

I wasn’t quite sure exactly how they snuck up on me to kidnap me and place me in a prison. I figured I was lucky that they hadn’t locked it, and I began to explore around in order to find a way out.

I came across a woman sitting in a cell. She looked extremely beautiful but also skinny enough that I was worried she was malnourished. I opened the door to her cell; it had been unlocked as well, but she didn’t seem anxious to escape.

“You’re new? So I guess he’s not dead,” She mumbled before speaking more clearly, “There’s this mad scientist, and he does weird things to people. I used to be a guy like you until he transformed me into...this! Yeah, I look like a woman, but I’m not sure. Part of what he did to me makes me unable to take off this outfit. Maybe it’s my skin? I’m not sure. I don’t seem to need to use the bathroom anymore; I haven’t in months. Or at least it seems like months. He stopped feeding me shortly after he did this as well; that’s why I thought he was dead. But if he has taken you and placed you here...well, I’m sure he had plans for you. You’re probably in the stage where you think there is escape from this place. There is no escape. He will only release you when he is done with you. And maybe now that you’re here, he will be done with me soon.”

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Support Group

The support group was one of many set up after the Great Shift with the hopes that people who found themselves in a different gender would benefit from talking with others dealing with the same situation. Ryan had been going since the first week after the Shift, but he had always stayed quiet until tonight.

“I think I’m finally ready to speak up. You can call me,” He paused to think of a name, “Lily.”

“Hi, Lily,” The group responded.

“I think I’m ready to open up because its the first session with no guys...or no women now in guys’ bodies...or, well, whatever. I guess I don’t want to rub this in their faces, but I actually love this. I love being in this body. I love being a woman. The hardest thing about this is that I feel like I’m not SUPPOSED to say that. I’m supposed to be mad or unwilling to accept this, but it’s not like that for me. I feel like all my fighting is just me putting up the front that other people expect. I mean, it’s been months and yet this is my first time wearing a skirt to work! I loved it! I’ve been wanting to do that since day one! But despite clearly having a woman’s body now, there’s still this weird expectation...this weird masculine pressure that I still can’t shake even in this body...”

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Decision (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Decision.
Last night was probably my only chance to get back to my original body, but I didn’t take it. I didn’t even speak to Charlotte and ask her why she stole my body. So I guess I’m Charlotte now. I know, I know. Technically, I’ve been Charlotte for the pst two weeks. But there’s a real difference between being stuck in someone’s body with the expectation of returning to your own -- versus being in someone else’s body and embracing that new body is yours for good. No one liked Charlotte; she was such an unpleasant person. But now I’ve got to rebuild all those bridges and recreate friendships with people who brushed her off a long time ago. But I have Emily. She’s been amazing these past two weeks, and, really, for as long as I’ve known her. And I guess she’s a lesbian? And I guess we’re dating? I guess that makes me a lesbian too now, right? That should help. Everyone likes Emily. People will probably think it’s weird that she’s dating me; that’s she dating Charlotte. But once they get to know the new Charlotte; it’ll be normal again. Well, as normal as it can be to be stuck in someone else’s body for the rest of my life.

Last night was probably my only chance to get back to my original body, but I didn’t take it. I didn’t even speak to Charlotte and ask her why she stole my body. So I guess I’m Charlotte now. I know, I know. Technically, I’ve been Charlotte for the pst two weeks. But there’s a real difference between being stuck in someone’s body with the expectation of returning to your own -- versus being in someone else’s body and embracing that new body is yours for good. No one liked Charlotte; she was such an unpleasant person. But now I’ve got to rebuild all those bridges and recreate friendships with people who brushed her off a long time ago.

But I have Emily. She’s been amazing these past two weeks, and, really, for as long as I’ve known her. And I guess she’s a lesbian? And I guess we’re dating? I guess that makes me a lesbian too now, right? That should help. Everyone likes Emily. People will probably think it’s weird that she’s dating me; that’s she dating Charlotte. But once they get to know the new Charlotte; it’ll be normal again. Well, as normal as it can be to be stuck in someone else’s body for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Neighbor's Mom

“Hey, Mom,” Ken asked as he put his bag down on the kitchen floor, “What’s for dinner?”

“I picked up some burgers from that fast food place. They’re in the bag on the table; help yourself.” She replied.

Ken reached into the bag and pulled out some burgers, shoving one into his mouth. He always loved a fast food burger, but it didn’t seem right. He had grabbed them with his friends, sure...but his mom? She always made some sort of traditional dish for dinner. He spoke with his mouth full, “Is everything okay? Are you feeling well, Mom?”

“I’m fine,” She lied. It’s not like she could tell him the truth. She doubted Ken could believe it anyway. To try to explain to him that she wasn’t REALLY his mom -- heck, she wasn’t even really a woman. She was a guy named Evan, their neighbor. Thanks to some weird power he inherited, he ended up switching bodies with Ken’s mom this morning. To make things worse, Ken’s mom was now in Evan’s body without knowing who she really was! Now Evan needed to figure out how to convince her to agree to swap back to normal without her even having the faintest idea that it really was normal. That’s just how his power worked!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Hide Away (Part 4)

View Part 1 of Hide Away.
View Part 2 of Hide Away.
View Part 3 of Hide Away.

Jason realized it was probably a little cruel, but he just needed a little more time. When learning on Friday that everyone in the office would be swapping back to their own bodies on Monday, he booked the soonest flight he could to an exotic location on an island with a beach surrounded by cliffs. By Sunday morning, he was there.

He’d be flying back home in three weeks. He was sure Laura would be pissed, but he needed this time. He needed this time to process his feelings about how he felt being in Laura’s body. Why did he feel this way? And why did he go to such exteme measures to keep it for three weeks? And what if he still didn’t want to swap back once these three weeks were over? Maybe he could find a way to just stay on this island?

His mind was racing, but he tried to push it all out of his head. For the time being, he just wanted to enjoy the extra time he bought himself in Laura’s body.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Isaac was pretty sure it was difficult for his parents when he came home from college for Christmas break. After all, thanks to the accident in the lab, he had swapped bodies with Farah just a few days beforehand. He was sure they were having a lot of trouble accepting that the dark-skinned Muslim girl was actually their blond Christian son. He tried to make it easier for them by really leaning into the holiday season. He wasn’t sure it was working.

When Christmas Eve rolled around, he sat them down in the living room.

He tried his best to smile as he explained it all to them. “Mom, Dad,” He said, “I know it’s hard to accept that it’s me, Isaac, inside this body, but it is. Farah and I were being irresponsible, and we swapped bodies. I know you don’t believe me when I say that, but it’s true. I’m your son. I hope the teachers and researchers figure out a way to reverse this by the time we get back, and that the next time you see me, I’ll look like how you remember. But there’s a chance they won’t. And I’m worried that you’re having a hard enough time accepting this while it’s probably temporary. I worry how you’ll treat me if it’s permanent. I love you both, and no matter what, I don’t want to love you, okay? Please, just tell me you can accept this...”

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Lesson Plan

After reading the magic spell from the book, Professor Wilson Campbell felt like his brain was fogging over. He looked down at the text again, and the words now seemed very long and confusing. It was in a funny language too. Even the notes he had written previously on a paper next to the text seemed too boring for him to bother with. He knew he was a professor, and that meant he should be smart! He shouldn’t have to do all this reading stuff!

But “he” didn’t feel quite correct right now either. But just as he wasn’t truly realizing that the magic had affected his mind; he wasn’t aware that the spell had modified his body as well. He no longer thought of himself as Professor Wilson Campbell; no, she was now Professor Misty Woowoo. She no longer remembered her education in anthropology and ancient languages; she wondered what she taught. She decided she’d teach her students exotic dances that she knew! It seemed like a perfect lesson plan for Monday. The class at the university would surely have so much fun! It wouldn’t be a boring, stuffy class at all! And maybe they could imbibe some spirits! And one or two of them might be able to figure out the strange text in this book and join her!

Friday, December 22, 2023


I clearly remembered reading the books about wizards and magic when I was a boy; I remembered growing up, watching the movies, and reading the books to children of my own. It is still hard for me to believe that my memories of those books and my entire life as a man named Charles was a lie.

In reality, I was a young woman named Moon Lee in her final year of wizarding school. I was a star pupil with a particular knack for the Defence Against the Dark Arts. And it was some evil magic that had passed over us one day. Apparently, I saved dozens of students from an evil magic that would have erased their memories and sucked our magic dry. My heroics meant I was also the worst hit. I was able to hide my magic away deep in my psyche by creating the memories of being Charles. I was able to recall the spells and the lore of the wizarding past by making it seem like a fiction.

When the evil had passed, and I snapped back to being Moon, I was still able to draw on these memories on what seemed so much like fiction to me. I could still perform magic, cast spells, and make my way in the wizarding world. And yet, I remembered nothing about being Moon and being a young woman. I still felt like Charles -- even though Charles had never really existed. The wizards I had saved were grateful, and I was heralded as a hero; but it was still really hard for me to accept that what I had thought of as mere stories were actually reality.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Who the Hell Are You?

“Jason...Jason, wake up.” An oddly familiar voice rang through Jason’s ears.

Jason could barely move. There had been a weird flash of light, and the next thing he knew he was laid out on the floor. As he slowly opened his eyes, he looked up to see a very familiar face.

“Who the hell are you?” Jason gasped, “And how did you steal my face!?”

“I didn’t steal anything. We swapped bodies. Look down at yourself.”

Once glance, and it was obvious. Jason had swapped bodies with his roommate. “Katie? I’m you? What the hell happened?”

“Don’t know yet, but I don’t think we’re the only ones. I have been hearing screams from people through the walls and floors of this apartment for the past few minutes...”

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Time Travel, Sir

Gerald had just finished basic training in the military when he was informed he would be on a very special assignment. He was brought to an odd room with strange machines and placed inside of one. It all happened pretty quickly; he stepped in, the door closed, the door opened again, and he stepped out. But he quickly noticed the room now seemed much less advanced. The next thing he noticed was his body; he was a woman!

“What the heck did you do to me?” He asked, thinking his voice sounded familar.

“Private,” The General spoke, “We have been constructing the machine at this location to accomplish the impossible: Time travel. You are now thirty years in the past. It is our hope that with your knowledge of what are current events and history for you, that we can gain a tactical advantage in many situations.”

“Okay, great, but why am I a woman.”

“As you might presume, you don’t exist yet. You needed a body to inhabit in this time. It needed to be genetically compatable, so we enlisted your mother.”

“I’m in the body of my own mother? Ugh, whatever, just get me some clothes to put on, please?”

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Not According to Plan (Part 1)

Calvin had shown up early to the reception hall to make sure things would go smoothly for his wedding later. It all seemed to be set up, and the only person he ran into was his wedding planner, who assured him there was nothing to worry about. And that’s when the glasses began to shake. Calvin worried it was an earthquake, but then the flash of light happened. When Calvin could see and feel again, things were different. It seemed only a moment had passed, but his perspective had entirely changed. And it only took another moment before he realized he was now in the wedding planner’s body. The initial sense of panic was about how he was supposed to get married like this; but when he learned that the Great Shift swapped bodies all across the globe, his thoughts quickly moved to wanting to find out if his wife-to-be was okay! And, of course, the guests. Both he and the wedding planners pulled out each other’s phones and began to call people.

Calvin had shown up early to the reception hall to make sure things would go smoothly for his wedding later. It all seemed to be set up, and the only person he ran into was his wedding planner, who assured him there was nothing to worry about. And that’s when the glasses began to shake. Calvin worried it was an earthquake, but then the flash of light happened.

When Calvin could see and feel again, things were different. It seemed only a moment had passed, but his perspective had entirely changed. And it only took another moment before he realized he was now in the wedding planner’s body. The initial sense of panic was about how he was supposed to get married like this; but when he learned that the Great Shift swapped bodies all across the globe, his thoughts quickly moved to wanting to find out if his wife-to-be was okay! And, of course, the guests. Both he and the wedding planners pulled out each other’s phones and began to call people.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Weird Voodoo

Well, it would seem the pain Roger had been feeling for the past week was starting to make sense and the bad luck, too! This crazy woman had apparently performed some sort of weird voodoo on him, and with whatever she just did, it appears she had stolen his body, leaving him in hers. He had no idea what sort of voodoo spell she used to do this, who she was, or why she chose to target him. However, while he didn’t know much about voodoo (he certainly wasn’t going to be able to perform another body swapping ritual to get back to his own body), he had seen enough movies. Spying the doll that was clearly meant to represent him, he stuck a pin in it. Upon feeling nothing with his present body, he could only presume that the doll was still linked to his original body. He figured even if he couldn’t swap back, he could make life as unpleasant as possible for the woman currently in his body that had stolen his life. He pulled out an entire jar of pins, ready to get his revenge.

Well, it would seem the pain Roger had been feeling for the past week was starting to make sense and the bad luck, too! This crazy woman had apparently performed some sort of weird voodoo on him, and with whatever she just did, it appears she had stolen his body, leaving him in hers.

He had no idea what sort of voodoo spell she used to do this, who she was, or why she chose to target him. However, while he didn’t know much about voodoo (he certainly wasn’t going to be able to perform another body swapping ritual to get back to his own body), he had seen enough movies. Spying the doll that was clearly meant to represent him, he stuck a pin in it.

Upon feeling nothing with his present body, he could only presume that the doll was still linked to his original body. He figured even if he couldn’t swap back, he could make life as unpleasant as possible for the woman currently in his body that had stolen his life. He pulled out an entire jar of pins, ready to get his revenge.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Real Magic

Did the magic spell actually work? Chase’s head was still pounding from its effects, but he knew he had to act fast. He looked around; he certainly wasn’t in his own apartment anymore. Then he began to feel the sensations of his body -- the cascading long hair, the tightness of the leather pants. Yep, it had definitely worked; he was now inside Faith’s body, the woman who lived in the apartment next door. But he knew the magic wouldn’t last unless he could find where Faith’s spirit had gone. According to the spell, it would latch itself onto something living. He didn’t hear a pet; he didn’t see any house plants. But her spirit had to go somewhere? That’s when he noticed a small spider on the ground, scurrying away. Could that be her? Without hesitation, he took his heeled boot and squished the spider. He hoped that was it! If it wasn’t, he’d be pushed back to his own body within the hour... It felt like the longest hour of his life; he couldn’t even enjoy being in Faith’s body as he waited...

Did the magic spell actually work? Chase’s head was still pounding from its effects, but he knew he had to act fast. He looked around; he certainly wasn’t in his own apartment anymore. Then he began to feel the sensations of his body -- the cascading long hair, the tightness of the leather pants. Yep, it had definitely worked; he was now inside Faith’s body, the woman who lived in the apartment next door.

But he knew the magic wouldn’t last unless he could find where Faith’s spirit had gone. According to the spell, it would latch itself onto something living. He didn’t hear a pet; he didn’t see any house plants. But her spirit had to go somewhere? That’s when he noticed a small spider on the ground, scurrying away. Could that be her? Without hesitation, he took his heeled boot and squished the spider. He hoped that was it! If it wasn’t, he’d be pushed back to his own body within the hour...

It felt like the longest hour of his life; he couldn’t even enjoy being in Faith’s body as he waited...

Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Farmhouse (Part 1)

My dad left our family when I was about five years old, so my my mom raised me and my sister on her own. She became the exact sort of kickass single mom you often hear stories about, the type that can do just about anything on her own. After my sister and I graduated college, it made sense that she moved out to a remote, rustic farm house. It made even more sense that she was dead set on doing many of the renovations herself.

Though I did come over to help her own from time to time! And it was one time when we made a startling discovery in the basement. Mom kept insisting one of the walls was fake, and when we bashed it open we were surprised by a huge room with a whole bunch of weird sci-fi stuff inside. The power seemed to be disconnected, but Mom was pretty sure she could get it on. I sat inside of a weird chamber as she got to work; electrical stuff just wasn’t in my skill set.

After a few minutes, the lights flickered and then became blinding. Suddenly instead of sitting, I had some wires in my hands. But the hands had wrinkles. And I now had on a plaid shirt was breasts poking forward. I had become a woman! And I wasn’t just any woman! I had become my own mother! I rushed out to the chamber where I had been sitting, where my mom inside my own body was waiting. We had swapped bodies! Inside the basement of this house my mom had bought was an honest-to-goodness body swapping machine, and it had caused me to swap bodies with my own mother!

Friday, December 15, 2023

Giving Up (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Giving Up.

It took Dan a few days, but he ultimately decided that giving up was not an option. He packed a small bag and began to walk. The body he shifted into had an elderly hunch, and he could only move at a snail’s pace. He didn’t care. He was going to make it away from this terrible place and get some answers.

Despite any language barriers, most people on his journey were friendly to an elderly woman (or at least someone who was stuck in the body of an elderly woman). People gave him rides; people pointed him in directions. A few people spoke broken English and started to explain the Great Shift to him.

Things were finally coming into place when he made it to a city. He was able to find people fluent in English and he even made it to an embassy. He was going to be flown back home. It sounded like getting his original body back wasn’t going to happen, but at least he could live his remaining years in the comfort of his own home...

Thursday, December 14, 2023

If It Ain't Broke (Part 1)

For a while after the Great Shift swapped him into his girlfriend’s body, Joe considered going by Joelle or Jo. But despite what his outer body looked like, he knew he was still a guy at heart. And so, he ended up just sticking with Joe.

It worked the same sort of way with his appearance. Sure, he tried embracing his girlfriend’s feminine style, but ultimately, he cut his hair short and generally wore men’s clothing or at least things that looked somewhat masculine.

And his girlfriend, Anne, followed a similar path. She tried to act like a dude now that she had Joe’s body for a while, but it just couldn’t stick.

Yet the one thing that did still work for both of them was their relationship. Despite being in each other’s bodies, they were more in love than ever. They were even starting to plan their wedding, and were meeting to discuss plans.

Joe waited while Anne ran late. When she finally arrived, Joe greeted her with a common refrain, “God, you make my body look so stupid sometimes.”

“Right back at ya!” Anne laughed.

“I think I’ve seen lesbians dress like this!”

“But you’re hardly a lesbian as long as you’re with me!”

It was Joe’s turn to laugh, “No, I guess you’re right...”

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Young Republican

Henry knew college was going to be a challenge for a Young Republican like himself, especially with all the woke policies being implemented across the country. He considered the manditory Swap Class he was forced to take among these. He thought that idea that being in someone else’s body few months could teach “diversity” or some other liberal garbage was absurd. In fact, he was sure he’d use the opportunity to prove some of his conservatives stances.

When he was paired up with Elizabeth, a butch-looking, lesbian-type classmate, he was ecstatic. He figured it was the perfect opportunity for proving the whole LGBTwhatever was a myth! The first weekend in her body, he bought a dress and went out to a club in town. Just as he expected, hitting on guys and kissing them felt so good while in this body. Henry quickly tried to bring his findings back to class.

Elizabeth interupted his presentation. “You thought I was a lesbian just based on my appearance?” She asked, “And if your theory of attraction is solely about which body someone is in...Well, I’m in YOUR body right now, and I’m STILL attracted to guys. And if attraction is something inherent to you, then you seem to be into guys while in my body at the current time. Either way, you seem to really be into dudes. Are you sure you aren’t gay?”

Henry quickly became flustered and ran out of class...

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Island Vacation (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Island Vacation.

Mason struggled to find the apartment where the woman lived. As he walked in the door, a man threw a dress at him. He put it on and sat down.

“Did you fall asleep on the beach again Mei Mei?” The man asked, “Well, you stink like seaweed, but we gotta get to work.”

“Work?” Mason asked nervously, briefly worried about who this man was and what he did.

“Did the sun fry your brain or are you really this dumb all the time? It’s no wonder you can’t keep a job. But I couldn’t allow my sister to starve, could I? Now that you’re starting as my receptionist at my construction company, you can finally start paying me some back rent on your room here. So, come on, you’re going to make us late on your first day, and I’ll dock your pay.”

It was kind of a relief for Mason. It seemed like this woman was in a financially difficult situation, living with and working for her brother. If he had hoped to buy a plane ticket to confront the woman who he had swapped bodies with, he guessed it was going to take a long time to save up...

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Rapture

The streets were empty. With no people, you’d expect them to be quiet, but they weren’t. All the noises of things that people hadn’t turned off when everyone suddenly blipped away still rang out, echoing through the empty corridors of buildings. Lucas was pretty sure he was the last one left. He had been at a crowded store with tons of people when they all just vanished with piles of clothes the only thing left of them. It was like the rapture, except he was the only one left behind. But he odd part was that he was left behind in someone else’s body -- a woman’s body. He hadn’t bothered to check her name; he didn’t even know why he was still carrying around her purse. It didn’t seem to really matter if he was truly the last one left. He had been walking around for the past several hours, hoping to find someone...anyone. When he finally gave up on that, his next thoughts focused on survival. How long before the food at grocery stores would spoil? Could he find a place running on solar power? What about clean, running water?

The streets were empty. With no people, you’d expect them to be quiet, but they weren’t. All the noises of things that people hadn’t turned off when everyone suddenly blipped away still rang out, echoing through the empty corridors of buildings. Lucas was pretty sure he was the last one left.

He had been at a crowded store with tons of people when they all just vanished with piles of clothes the only thing left of them. It was like the rapture, except he was the only one left behind. But he odd part was that he was left behind in someone else’s body -- a woman’s body.

He hadn’t bothered to check her name; he didn’t even know why he was still carrying around her purse. It didn’t seem to really matter if he was truly the last one left. He had been walking around for the past several hours, hoping to find someone...anyone. When he finally gave up on that, his next thoughts focused on survival. How long before the food at grocery stores would spoil? Could he find a place running on solar power? What about clean, running water?

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Suspect

Officer Brian Sully has chased the suspect from the scene of the crime to an apartment. After he saw the suspect escape inside, he was sure apprehension was imminent. He was able to walk right inside -- the suspect hadn’t even had time to lock the door. But Brian was shocked to find an older woman inside the apartment, sitting at a kitchen table.

“Heavens,” The woman said, “Is everything okay, Officer? Don’t you usually knock first? Is everything okay?”

“Ma’am, does anyone live here with you? A grandson? A son? Even a nephew, perhaps?”

“I haven’t lived with anyone since my husband passed. We never had kids,” The woman began to sob a little.

“Did you see anyone enter your apartment just now?”

“I think I would have noticed, just as I noticed you just now.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind if I have a look around?”

“Of course not, Officer.”

As Brian walked around the small apartment, Craig couldn’t believe this was all working out. He had robbed the bank, stashed the loot, and now this dumb cop had no idea how he slipped away. Of course, how could he? As Craig had run up the stairs of this apartment building, he recited a spell to become ethereal. He completed just after picking the lock and entering, then it was simple to possess this old broad’s body. An old, innocent lady was the perfect disguise to throw this cop off. He wouldn’t find any evidence or criminal here, because there literally wasn’t any! Then once the officer moved on, Craig would find a different body to possess. He thought about possessing Brian, but there was no way he was going to be a cop. Besides, even though this current body was sort of old and achy, he thought it could be fun to possess another woman, maybe a younger one...

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Succession (Part 1)

Everett had invested a good portion of his fortune in his efforts to extend his life. The doctors researching brain transplants cost him millions, financial advisors to ensure continued control of his businesses were in the tens of millions, a good deal would be lost according to his lawyers simply from juristictions that wouldn’t allow his new body to claim certain aspects. But the body itself? Well, he was able to purchase that for about $100,000. He could almost laugh at how desperate some poor people were! And this woman had been in dire straits. She was about to be kicked out of her home and onto the streets, and turning to vile acts as a way to earn a living. And yet she gave up decades of her life to Everett in exchange for cash. He wondered how long she even had left to live in his 80-year-old body, especially considering the brain transplant probably weakened it. He ultimately decided it wasn’t much of a concern to him now that his brain was now in her younger, healthy body!

Everett had invested a good portion of his fortune in his efforts to extend his life. The doctors researching brain transplants cost him millions, financial advisors to ensure continued control of his businesses were in the tens of millions, a good deal would be lost according to his lawyers simply from juristictions that wouldn’t allow his new body to claim certain aspects.

But the body itself? Well, he was able to purchase that for about $100,000. He could almost laugh at how desperate some poor people were! And this woman had been in dire straits. She was about to be kicked out of her home and onto the streets, and turning to vile acts as a way to earn a living. And yet she gave up decades of her life to Everett in exchange for cash. He wondered how long she even had left to live in his 80-year-old body, especially considering the brain transplant probably weakened it. He ultimately decided it wasn’t much of a concern to him now that his brain was now in her younger, healthy body!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Diversity Training

“So, let me explain! Let me explain!” Andy said as he sat with some friends for an after work happy hour, “We had this diversity training at work today, and it was the most insane thing I ever attended. It started out normal enough, but then halfway through they told us we were all going to swap bodies to ‘understand a different point of view.’

”Naturally, everyone protested, but the lady in HR was so pushy about it. But get this, okay? She thought she was exempt! The diversity consultant informed her she wasn’t. And the next thing I knew? I had been the one selected to swap with her.

“It was only supposed to be until the end of the day, but the machine they had used broke down or something. So that’s why I showed up here with this body. For the next few days, I’m stuck in the body of Natalie from HR.”

Thursday, December 7, 2023

First Semester (Part 1)

Upon arriving at college as a freshman, Josh had heard rumors about the university’s manditory Swap Class. Some students absolutely freaked out at being in someone else’s body for the semester, but Josh shrugged thinking it wouldn’t be too bad.

Ms. Wen was the teacher, and the first class was mostly a presentation about what was expected of us, and how the swap process worked. A slideshow behind her showed how two students were paired at random, reported in at a certain time, and so on. It was all pretty boring. Ms. Wen also explained that due to there being an odd number of students in class this semester, she would be participating as well. That fact caused many grumbles in the class.

Then all the phones started buzzing as the students got out assignments. Josh checked his. It read, “3PM; Eunice Wen.” He sunk down in his chair; he had gotten the teacher! Realizing he was going to be spending the first semester of his college career as a 50 year old woman didn’t seem like fun; he realized why people groaned earlier.

Yet he didn’t want to fail Swap Class, and so at 3PM, he reported to the room, ready to swap with Ms. Wen.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


The old man at the bank had been so kind when Isabella Garcia had signed up for her loan, but she soon fell behind on the payments. She didn’t want to ignore the threatening letters as they arrived, but what choice did she have? It’s not like she had the money. Then things got really weird. She woke up one morning with aching pain. Her hands were wrinkled and rough. She looked in the mirror to see the face of the old man looking back. She rushed down to the bank to find her own body sitting at the old man’s desk. “What did you do?” She hissed at him. “It’s all in the policy you signed,” He replied, “This is a bit of an insurance policy for us here at the bank. As you can probably tell, my body was old, 72 to be exact. I couldn’t work much more, and I wasn’t happy about that. Neither was the bank. But now that you put your body up for collateral; well, I can easily work another twenty to thirty years like this. The bank wins. I win. And your loan is forgiven. Can you really complain?”

The old man at the bank had been so kind when Isabella Garcia had signed up for her loan, but she soon fell behind on the payments. She didn’t want to ignore the threatening letters as they arrived, but what choice did she have? It’s not like she had the money. Then things got really weird.

She woke up one morning with aching pain. Her hands were wrinkled and rough. She looked in the mirror to see the face of the old man looking back. She rushed down to the bank to find her own body sitting at the old man’s desk.

“What did you do?” She hissed at him.

“It’s all in the policy you signed,” He replied, “This is a bit of an insurance policy for us here at the bank. As you can probably tell, my body was old, 72 to be exact. I couldn’t work much more, and I wasn’t happy about that. Neither was the bank. But now that you put your body up for collateral; well, I can easily work another twenty to thirty years like this. The bank wins. I win. And your loan is forgiven. Can you really complain?”

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Conspiracy Theorist

“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Ed asked.

It was a question Rachel honestly did not expect coming from her husband. Of course, she also hadn’t expected to see her husband to be trying to do yoga by following along with Youtube videos.

“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Ed asked.“It looks the same as it did last week when the Great Shift swapped you into that body,” Rachel sighed.

“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Ed asked.“Oh, so, what you’re saying is that I’m going to have a fat ass all the time now?”

“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Ed asked.“It’s not even technically your ass!” Rachel flustered, “Two days ago you were saying everyone being stuck was a hoax, and that the government was withholding the way to swap back. And now your suddenly worried about that body’s physical appearance?”

“Do these pants make my butt look big?” Ed asked.“It’s probably the government brainwashing me with their chemtrails into acceptance of trans people or something like that, but, dammit, Rachel! This is important to for some reason now!”

Monday, December 4, 2023

Karaoke Bar (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Karaoke Bar.
Jason wanted nothing more than to try to find his body to sort this all out, but it seemed Ye Jun was at the center of attention due to the fact that it was her birthday. And much like Jason had effortless sang in a foreign language he didn’t know, he was also able to interact with Ye Jun friends as she normally would. He also felt compelled to post much of the night’s events to social media. A few friends asked about the rumors of Ye Jun quitting the life of an influencer, which Jason felt compelled to deny, but he had the bad feeling the body swap was actually her way of doing it. Jason was able to go back to Ye Jun’s apartment, apply her skincare routine, and get dressed all on what seemed like instinct. He awoke early knowing her schedule. She had to get to the airport so he could instagram a trip. He selected a cute pink outfit that he knew would photograph well with the airport lights, putting on makeup was long but effortless. Part of him was glad he had been left with all of her skills, but another part of him wish he hadn’t. Was he losing himself to her life? If she did want to quit, it would have been easier after the swap if just didn’t know how. And maybe he didn’t want to keep up her life as an influencer anyway, but he also didn’t know how to stop at this point! It was a whirlwind!

Jason wanted nothing more than to try to find his body to sort this all out, but it seemed Ye Jun was at the center of attention due to the fact that it was her birthday. And much like Jason had effortless sang in a foreign language he didn’t know, he was also able to interact with Ye Jun friends as she normally would. He also felt compelled to post much of the night’s events to social media. A few friends asked about the rumors of Ye Jun quitting the life of an influencer, which Jason felt compelled to deny, but he had the bad feeling the body swap was actually her way of doing it.

Jason was able to go back to Ye Jun’s apartment, apply her skincare routine, and get dressed all on what seemed like instinct. He awoke early knowing her schedule. She had to get to the airport so he could instagram a trip. He selected a cute pink outfit that he knew would photograph well with the airport lights, putting on makeup was long but effortless. Part of him was glad he had been left with all of her skills, but another part of him wish he hadn’t. Was he losing himself to her life? If she did want to quit, it would have been easier after the swap if just didn’t know how. And maybe he didn’t want to keep up her life as an influencer anyway, but he also didn’t know how to stop at this point! It was a whirlwind!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Unnoticed (Part 1)

Kevin considered himself a very lucky guy. He had always been a dork for long as he could remember, enjoying things like comic books and video game while excelling at school. Yet he still managed to find himself a cute and wonderful wife, Allison. He looked up from the computer game he was playing to tell her how much he loved her. She responded in kind before excusing herself to the kitchen for a snack.

As he continued to play, he swore his screen flashed blue for a moment. He was worried it could be a crash, so he quickly saved. But the blue wasn’t coming from his screen; it was coming from some place else. It was like the whole world went blue for a second. But that didn’t make any sense. Kevin returned to the computer.

Allison returned a short while later. It didn’t seem possible, but Kevin was convinced she was even more beautiful than when she left.

“Sometimes I consider myself a very lucky girl,” Kevin said aloud to Allison, “I’ve always been a dork and a lesbian, but to find someone as special as you...I’m just lucky, I guess.”

Allison lifted the now female Kevin into her strong arms and gave him a big kiss. Neither were away of the changes to their bodies or their minds caused by the Role Exchanger that simply drifted off to find more people to swap around...

Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Moment

With all the people in the world I could’ve run into that morning, I had to end up seeing my ex-girlfriend, Amy. I was cutting through the park on my way to work, and she was on a morning jog. I thought about pretending not to notice her, but she began to slow down. I instinctively (and foolishly) waved. She stopped, so I felt obliged to do the same. Things hadn’t ended well between us, and I really didn’t have anything to say to her; she probably didn’t have anything to say to me either. So we stood there just sort of staring for just a moment. But it was a moment too long. It was in that instant when it happened. You probably know all about The Great Shift; I don’t need to explain it. And you probably already guessed where this is going? Thats right. I became a woman. I was now in the body of my ex-girlfriend Amy, and she was in mine. Now, of course, I had no shortage of things to talk to her about and questions to ask. But she was still the last person the world I wanted to be talking to. We stood in silence before I finally told her that I’d call her later to sort things out about all of this. She just nodded, and we both went on our ways. We hadn’t exchanged phones or keys or anything, so I ended up jogging back to her place to email work to tell them I was taking a sick day. For some reason, being back in her apartment felt even weirder than being stuck in her body!

With all the people in the world I could’ve run into that morning, I had to end up seeing my ex-girlfriend, Amy. I was cutting through the park on my way to work, and she was on a morning jog. I thought about pretending not to notice her, but she began to slow down. I instinctively (and foolishly) waved. She stopped, so I felt obliged to do the same. Things hadn’t ended well between us, and I really didn’t have anything to say to her; she probably didn’t have anything to say to me either. So we stood there just sort of staring for just a moment. But it was a moment too long.

It was in that instant when it happened. You probably know all about The Great Shift; I don’t need to explain it. And you probably already guessed where this is going? Thats right. I became a woman. I was now in the body of my ex-girlfriend Amy, and she was in mine. Now, of course, I had no shortage of things to talk to her about and questions to ask. But she was still the last person the world I wanted to be talking to. We stood in silence before I finally told her that I’d call her later to sort things out about all of this. She just nodded, and we both went on our ways. We hadn’t exchanged phones or keys or anything, so I ended up jogging back to her place to email work to tell them I was taking a sick day. For some reason, being back in her apartment felt even weirder than being stuck in her body!

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Friendly Physician, The Next Generation

Inspired, of course, by the episode of Gilligan's Island with the body swaps.

The last thing Gwen remembered was kicking and screaming while being grabbed off the street. The man who overpowered her was large with a Neanderthal-like forehead. She woke up feeling sluggish with a cloudy head.

“Oh, are you aware?” She heard a voice that sounded almost like it was coming from inside her own head. She nearly jumped when she saw that it was coming from a woman that looked exactly like her.

“Should I apologize or should I say thank you?” The woman continued, “Maybe both. You see, I had been such a good assistant to Master over the years that he decided to reward me. He was not only granting me my freedom, but he was going to use his body swapper to let me pick any body I wanted! Maybe you don’t realize it yet, but I picked yours!”

Gwen looked down at her meaty hands to confirm she was telling the truth. She had clearly swapped bodies with the brute who had taken her!

He continued, “Now, I’m sure if you are as good as an assistant to Master as I was, he will one day grant you your freedom just as he granted me mine. It only took me sixty years; maybe you will find yourself in a new body of your choosing in only fifty or so if you are better at being an assistant than I was!”

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Shortcut (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Shortcut.
View Part 2 of Shortcut.
After about a week without a word from the hospital, Jeff was getting worried. He called the hospital first, but they said there was not a patient with that name. But if his body wasn’t there, where had it gone? While the professor was out teaching a class, Jeff decided to explore the house, eventually realizing a door in the basement that he had never been in and was presently locked. With a few tools, he managed to break it down. Behind the door was like a small apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.Sure enough, in one of the rooms was his body, hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes. He was thankful it was alive, but what sort of condition was it in? And why was it here and not at the hospital? What didn’t he know?

After about a week without a word from the hospital, Jeff was getting worried. He called the hospital first, but they said there was not a patient with that name. But if his body wasn’t there, where had it gone?

While the professor was out teaching a class, Jeff decided to explore the house, eventually realizing a door in the basement that he had never been in and was presently locked. With a few tools, he managed to break it down. Behind the door was like a small apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.Sure enough, in one of the rooms was his body, hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes. He was thankful it was alive, but what sort of condition was it in? And why was it here and not at the hospital? What didn’t he know?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

World Domination (Part 2)

View Part 1 of World Domination.

Ready to move onto the second phase, Z’xyw needed to return to his ship and transform back to normal. He quickly encountered a glitch as he tried to transport back to his ship; it didn’t recognize his DNA due to his human disguise.

The solution seemed simple enough, transform back to normal first. This had a glitch of its own. It seemed the planet Earth was so far from K’laxor that the DNA of humans didn’t interact like other species they had previously encountered. They were just too distant and different. Z’xyw attempted to return to normal, but only managed to return his skin to a healthy color and gain just a slight bit of his height. The small changes were not enough to get the ship to teleport him back, and Z’xyw felt disgusted to be stuck in the body of a human. Worse still, he was starting to feel what he could only assume must be human emotions. He could now distinguish the male humans due to an extreme sense of lust. But his new body gave him no clues on how this species mated. His mouth seemed far too small and teeth far too dull to instantly disembowel these “males,” and his claws were far too soft to rip out the men’s eggs for him to impregnate. While much about humans had been so easy to understand, it seemed that Z’xyw still had a lot to learn.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Weird Girl (Part 2)

View Part 1 of The Weird Girl.

“What the hell?” Jenna yelled as she saw Chad and Hannah kissing on a bench.

Hannah mumbled, “I thought we had agreed on trying to keep up appearances.”

“This is taking it too far and you know it! And you’re should be looking for a way to turn us back to normal anyway!” Jenna then turned from Hannah to Chad, “And this is like cheating on me!”

“Is it? I mean, technically, you were right here,” Chad then gestured down at the fact that he currently had Jenna’s body, “And, plus, I’m one good lookin’ dude! I mean, I always knew I was, but your body like really feels it. When am I ever going to have the opportunity to be with myself like this?”

Jenna fumed. She knew her boyfriend was egotistical, but this crossed a line. He also didn’t know when to shut up.

Chad continued, “Besides, we used a c*****.”

Jenna slapped Chad as hard as Hannah arm could manage. Then she cried and ran off. She hated being in Hannah’s body, but right now, she wasn’t sure she even wanted her own body back...

Monday, November 27, 2023

Decision (Part 1)

It had been about two weeks since Charlotte had stolen my body. I still don’t even know why she did it, but I was about to find out and (hopefully) get my body back.

When it first happened, none of my friends believed me when I told them who I really was. They thought I was simply Charlotte playing some sort of weird prank. Nobody except Emily, that is. I didn’t even have to prove it; she just told me could tell. I was thankful to have the help, and Emily and I spent all this time trying to find where Charlotte ran off to with my body.

That’s why were in this club, but just I was about to comfront her, I felt a tugging. I turned around to see Emily crying.

“What’s wrong?” I yelled over the throbbing bass in the club.

“Don’t do it, Jacob,” She said, “I like you. I’ve always liked you. But, big confession here, I’m a lesbian. And I knew it wouldn’t have worked in your old body. But in Charlotte’s body? Look, I don’tknow why she did it, but I like you like this. These two weeks haven’t been terrible, have they? Please, stay wit me.”

I didn’t know what to do. If I didnt comfront Charlotte now, I’d probably never get my body back. But this was a chance to be with Emily, who I will admit I had a crush on for the longest time...

Sunday, November 26, 2023


Eric was visiting the resort with his wife, Carly. So far, the vacation had been pleasant with Eric spending most of the time with Carly. The only exception would be his morning workout, which mostly consisted of a run on the beach.

But this morning, he noticed a small cave while on his run that he hadn’t seen before. He thought about going to tell Carly, so they could explore it together; however, his immediate curiosity got the better of him.

A weird glow appeared to be emanating from the middle of the cave, but as Eric came closer, a strange fungus exploded, filling the air with a magical pink mist that Eric inhaled. In that moment everything changed.

The glow dimmed to nothing, and Eric became Erin. Without skipping a beat, he became she; and she struggled to find her way in the dark back to the entrance.

A little rattled, Erin made her way back to her room. She screamed when instead of finding her husband Carl in the room, there was a woman. Carly was equally shocked to see what she thought was a strange woman entering.

“Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my room? And what did you do to my husband, Carl?” Erin shouted.“This is obviously my room! My husband Eric and I...” Suddenly, Carly looked closely at Erin’s face, “ that you, Eric?”

Erin looked around the room with a sudden sense of intense fear. It was like she had just noticed something. Instead of being frantic, her voice became a whisper, “No, you must be right. I must have the wrong room. It’’s backwards. Everything is arranged reverse from what it was...but it all is. It’s all backwards; it’s all wrong. Everything.”

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hide Away (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Hide Away.
View Part 2 of Hide Away.

Over the next few days, Jason did actually seem to live up to what he claimed; he was successfully blending in with Laura’s body. She no longer felt like needed to check on him at her apartment, and he began taking the subway to work by himself.

Jason was surprised too -- not by how well he was able to do with Laura’s body, but because he realized he was actually enjoying it! He found himself telling her that he spent the evenings alone in her apartment, but he was actually going out places and enjoying himself. He began to wish that their company wouldn’t be able to solve the problem, or that they would take longer than the two week estimate before they could swap everyone back into their own bodies.

However, it seemed that they were actually ahead of schedule. A mere week after everyone swapped, the company announced that they should be able to restore everyone to their original bodies on Monday. As Jason rode the subway home that night, he realized he didn’t want to give Laura back her body, but could he really do anything about it?

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Simulation

You looked out the large windows from your living room to see the beautiful lake your house sat right next life. Life seemed perfect...almost too perfect. It had become fairly typical of your wife Yumi to spoil the moment.

“It’s all fake, you know,” She said with a Mona Lisa smile on her face, “I keep telling you we’re actually in a simulation. None of this is real.”

“Come on, Yumi. It’s feels real. We’re real.”

“We are,” She paused, “But these bodies aren’t. Our real bodies are hooked up to these weird virtual reality machines experiencing all of this! I’m not even a woman in the real world! I’m a dude! And you’re not a guy in the real world either; you’re a chick! I don’t even think we’re married out there.”

“Come on. This is ridiculous. How would you even know any of this?”

“I think my system is glitching. I find myself back there sometimes. I can’t move when I’m there, but I can look around. I can hear things.”

You sighed, “We need to bring you to see a psychiatrist on Monday, Yumi. I worry you aren’t well...”

“Or maybe you’ll learn you are really a woman, and that sort of scares you, doesn’t it?”

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Break

“You have no idea how much these heels hurt!” Jason whined as he squatted down before attempting to sit on the sidewalk, “Come on, let’s take a break!”

“Of course I know how much they hurt!” Heather replied, “Those were my heels -- and that was my body -- up until about an hour ago!”

“Yeah, but you’re used to them! I’m not! And they keep getting worse, so I’m guessing they weren’t as bad on the way out.”

“Fine. But be careful. Remember my body is wearing a dress, so when you sit you might flash someone if you aren’t thinking about it.”

“There’s no one around. Everyone went inside to explore their new bodies because of this Great Shift thing.”

“And we can soon as we get home...which we’d probably be at already if you didn’t complain and insist on breaks all the time.”

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Not Punk Rock

Eugene gave a big wave when he saw Ruth on campus for the first time since the Great Shift. But Ruth had to do a double take; it was hard to believe that was once her body. It was obviously her old tattoos that gave it away.

She realized it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise. Eugene was a bit of a dork, and she hadn’t expected him to maintain her punk style. Still, it just felt so extreme! He had removed all her piercings; he wore a plain polo shirt and jeans with no rips; he had flattened her mohawk; he stopped wearing her weird contacts and picked glasses instead. The only thing he couldn’t do much about was her tattoos. He explained that they were hard to get used to; he kept expecting them to wash off in the shower. He also mentioned that he couldn’t wait for cooler weather, so he could cover them with a long sleeve shirt.

She smiled and nodded; being as polite as possible. After all, he was being quite kind; he wasn’t even reacting to the ways she had punked up his body. He didn’t judgmental at all; it was more like he was simply stating a list of facts. And when it was all over; he said he was running late, but asked to meet up again. Ruth found herself smiling and agreeing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


The four nerdy friends had all agreed to go to ComicCon together dressed as characters from Dragon Ball. Sam and Bill showed up first, dressed as Goku and Gohan. Neal drove up next (he was giving them all a ride); he was dressed as Trunks. They were just waiting on Gordon when a woman walked by in a perfect cosplay of Bulma.

Neal stumbled as he spoke to her, “Uh, we’re waiting for, uh, our friend, but you can come along if you the, uh, ComicCon!”

The woman turned and smiled, “Relax, guys, it’s me, Gordon.”

The other three were floored and demanded an explanation. It wasn’t just that this was a perfect cosplay of Bulma; it was that their overweight, white, male friend Gordon now looked like a skinny Asian woman!

“I bought the costume at this weird shop in the mall. You guys had picked all the best characters, and the old guy who sold it to me told me this outfit would be jawdropping. He was right! I mean, if you could see yourselves! When I opened it up this morning; I always didn’t put it on. It was a girl’s outfit, right? And it didn’t look like it would fit. But it did. It transformed me literally to make it all work. Everything you see is real now...and even some of the parts you can’t! I didn’t expect to like this when it happened, but on the walk over here...Well, it’s amazing how nice people are to attractive women. I think I’m really going to enjoy ComicCon today. And I should thank that old man at the mall...”

Monday, November 20, 2023

Not Technically a Swap

Cindy had volunteered to help Russ test out his invention. If it had worked correctly, when the two were attached, Russ should have been able to move Cindy’s hand just by thinking about it. After a few attempts, Russ hung his head in failure.

Cindy didn’t think about for several days until she was at the college’s gym. She noticed she was checking out the other girls and trying to catch glimpses of them in the shower. She found Russ in the lab and declared the machine had turned her into a lesbian! Russ corrected her; it had swapped their sexual preferences!

Russ made some adjustments, and they tried again. Russ became worried as instead of getting back to normal; he had forgotten how his invention worked. Cindy realized she was the one who knew how it worked now and attempted a fix.

After several more attempts, it was like they had entirely swapped minds. Russ’s body (which now thought of itself entirely as Cindy) looked down at what she thought was her own body and begged, “Can you please fix it!? I don’t want my brain swapped into your body, and I certainly don’t want yours in mine!”

“Technically, we haven’t really swapped bodies or brains,” Cindy’s body explained, “This is still Cindy’s body; Cindy’s brain is still inside of it. It’s just that all the brainwaves have been reconfigured to be like how Russ’s were, including emotional reactions, memories, and so on. I’m still Cindy, but I think like Russ -- and think I am Russ! But nothing has really changed at a biological level. I am still technically Cindy!”

“But can you FIX it!?”

“Ah! I think what I just explained is the KEY to fixing it!”

Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Love Story

Hector had always considered himself a very lucky man. Despite often referring to himself as a “fat slob of a man,” he was married to a beautiful woman named Matilda, who worked as a ballet instructor. He come home from his plumbing job, and she’d greet him with a smile. They were very happy together.

While a spark of conflict often sets off a body swapping story, Hector and Matilda had no such strife. They simply went to bed one night as happy as ever, and woke up the next morning in each other’s bodies! Hector felt terrible; he was now in his wife’s gorgeous body, but she was stuck in his. She assured him not to worry, as she loved him and his body very much.

They both called off sick and tried to figure out a way to get back to normal, but they couldn’t seem to find a single answer. They were running out of sick days, and they’d need to go back to work. Matilda figured she’d have to give Hector a crash course in ballet, so they went to get studio to practice. He felt odd wearing tights, but he complied with his love’s requests. Then he tried to dance. With no prior instructions and no practice, he was able to pull it off flawlessly. It was like her body just somehow remembered. Matilda was nearly in tears. She wasn’t sure if she was proud or happy or sad or what. She still hoped they’d swap back to normal before too long, but as she watced him dance, she knew she would love her husband no matter what, even if he was stuck in her body forever.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Teed Off (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Teed Off.

By the time they finished the ninth hole, Harold, Frank, and Wilson were really regretting their wager. Larry was so comfortably below par that the other three had little hope of catching up. They had expected Larry to gloat, but he was actually being fairly stoic about the whole thing.

“Well now that I think I’ve shut you all up,” Larry finally confessed, “If you had asked instead of just ripping into me, I probably would’ve mentioned that the body I swapped into had been a professional golfer. I’m still nowhere near as good as she was, but her natural abilities certainly helps me easily beat the three of you.”

“Okay, okay, we get it,” Frank sighed, “We’re sorry. So, I take it the bet’s off?”

“Oh, hell, no. When we get back to the club house, I expect you to pay up.”

Friday, November 17, 2023

Usually Pass Quickly

Ron’s job had relocated him from the big city to a rather rural suburb halfways across the country. Things were cheap there, so he bought a big house. He wasn’t exactly crazy about living so far from an urban center, and everything just felt as off as a David Lynch film.

It was about a week when a woman arrived at his front porch with a basket. It was hard for him to not stare at her curves, but he did his best -- bringing the basket inside to distract himself as she spoke.She said her name was Anna; she was his neighbor and welcoming him to the neighborhood on behalf of everyone. She said it all with a southern drawl, which was sort of quaint. As they exchanged additional pleasantries on the porch, a storm arrived. Ron offered to let her come inside, but Anna insisted that these things “usually pass quickly.”

The sky lit up in colors Ron had never seen before, and he soon found himself disoriented, grabbing onto the side of the porch. Once the strange storm passed, he realized the horror of what happened -- he had swapped bodies with Anna!

“What the hell?” He asked.

“Like I said,” Anna replied with Ron’s voice while maintaining her southern drawl, “These usually pass quickly. We’ll probably be back to our own bodies in a week or two. You best get back to my husband now; he really doesn’t like he spending too much time talking with other men.”

“But...I’m not you!”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that. He refuses to believe in any of this stuff...even though some quite strange things have happened to him over the years. You get used to it...”