Monday, August 31, 2020

Day at the Office (Part 1)

Daniel arrived to work feeling better about a day on the job than he had for months. He stood at his desk and signed onto his computer, thankful that the password worked. Technically, it wasn’t his desk, his computer, or even his password. Right now, he wasn’t even in his own body! Because of a test that was run yesterday and a small flaw in the software, he ended up swapping bodies with his departent’s supervisor Kelly.

While he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being a woman, the idea of being the department’s supervisor had some appeal. The start-up he worked for was in a rut, and his job as a junior level programmer wasn’t exactly putting him in a great pace for upward mobility. Thanks to swapping bodies with Kelly, he was enjoying the feeling of seniority. Plus, he was sure he could do her job better than she could. She always just seemed to sit around and do nothing. At least he had the know-how to help the team with any sort of tech if they needed it.

Yep, he was sure this was going to be a great day.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Second Date (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.

Jack continued to data Anna for a few months, but it eventually fell apart. Jack wasn’t sure if Anna just wasn’t his type, or if it was just too weird to date someone acting quite girlie in his own body. He supposed he wasn’t much different himself. Anna had previously had a closet full of skirts and dresses, but now that her body was his, he mostly wore jeans and rarely put on makeup. 

Jack wasn’t even sure if he wanted to date guys at all, but he kept doing it for one reason. After a first date where he’d let the guy pay for a dinner or a movie, Jack would eagerly suggest the spot for a second date, the museum. He knew it was a long shot, but he hoped for another incident. He prayed before the date that the spirits would shake up the wing again, and he’d someone find himself in another new body, a guy’s body.

It never happened.

Jack would then spend the rest of the time walking through the museum with his date. He’d look at paintings that he had now seen many times. And after walking around for an hour or two, it would be time to leave. Most of the guys he dated thought things went pretty well; they’d expect a kiss or some were so bold to even ask Jack to come back home with them. But no matter what, Jack would end it right then and there; no one would ever make it past a second date.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Second Date

There were no words to describe the horrific nature of what Jack and Anna had just experienced in the museum’s Egyptian wing. Some cursed artifact had been somehow triggered and ancient spirits began to possess guests. In some ways, Jack and Anna had both been fortunate in that neither had been possessed. However, being in such close proximity to the chaos, their spirits did get shaken up a bit. As a result, Jack’s spirit was now inside of Anna and visa versa.

They didn’t speak as they wandered into another wing and finally sat down. Jack still didn’t want to say anything, but as the man, was he supposed to offer comfort? Of course, he wasn’t really ‘the man’ anymore now that he had Anna’s body; maybe she should be the one comforting him? Was comfort even appropriate? After all, this museum trip was only their second date. He began to think how he really didn’t even know Anna all that well, and now he was expected to be her? To live her life? Go to her job? Despite the stress and worry, he still sat silent and unflinching. Anna did the same.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Time to Move On

Death wasn’t anything like Irving expected. There were no pearly gates and no damned flames. He was just sort of floating around as a blob. After some time, he realized he could possess people. For the past week, he had been inside Marilyn’s body. While it had been fun, he decided it was time to move on, so he laid down and let his spirit float out her mouth -- the same way he had gotten in at the beginning of the week. In hindsight, he probably should’ve been more respectful of his time in her body. He probably shouldn’t have gotten drunk that one night that caused him to oversleep and get her fired from her job. He also probably shouldn’t have experimented with drugs; he couldn’t even remember some of the things he must have done that night. Well, at least he hopes she enjoys the tattoo he got while in her body. After all, she was the one stuck with it now.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


Roberto clutched the device tightly in his hands as he walked through the desert. His family had paid handsomely for it, but it was a guaranteed way for him to cross the border into America and stay safe. He didn’t want to leave; he had to. The cartel had targeted him after he had witnessed a drug deal gone wrong. As he approached the border wall. He couldn’t see what was on the other side, but he knew it wouldn’t stop the device. He looked down at it with the small button on top. He knew he had to press the button and aim it north, straight at the wall. It would transmit his brain waves into the body of someone on the other side, causing him to take over their body and leaving that person in his. He figured he’d most likely swap with a member of the border patrol or some civilian yokel caught up in vigilantism. Either way, it seemed almost fitting. He took a deep breath as he pressed down.

The change was instantaneous. He was now on the other side of the wall -- far enough away that the wall wasn’t even visible anymore -- and siting on a log in some sort of ranch. But his body felt all strange, and as he expected himself, he soon found out why. He hadn’t swapped bodies with a border patrol agent or something, he had swapped with a woman just sunning herself in the expansive backyard of her own property. Roberto wanted to say she was just an average person, but honestly there wasn’t very much “average” about her. She was gorgeous with well endowed proportions, and that body was all his now. This wasn’t what he expected and he wouldn’t have asked for this, but he knew he was safe now. No one would ever suspect it was him in this body.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Peter turned around to see Bethany following him very reluctantly. He sighed, “Look, I don’t know what Janice’s motivation for tricking us and using that medallion to swap us into each other’s bodies, but I followed her last night and I’m sure she either tossed it or hid it somewhere around here.”

Peter paused. He could tell he wasn’t fully getting through. He had a feeling he knew why, and so he continued, “I get it. She has a medallion that swaps people’s bodies. She could be anyone; you’re thinking she could even be in this body -- YOUR body -- right now. There’s probably not a lot I can convince you that I’m not her. But unless you’re enjoying wearing my boxer shorts under my jeans, I’m not sure you have a lot of other options than to trust me. If we don’t find the thing, we stay stuck. If we do, who else are you going to swap with? Do you even see anyone else around for miles? Plus, have you looked at yourself? Your body is stronger than mine is right now. It’s not like I could get a jump on you to take you down to try something later, so can we just please start looking?”

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hi Tech (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Since he no longer understood enough tech stuff, Evan did resign as CEO. He stayed on in an advisory capacity, particularly for the division doing neurobiology research. After all, there was always the outside hope of returning to normal.

But it didn’t even take Evan long to realize he didn’t want to go back. He preferred flirting with boys much more than his memory of being one. In fact, being a guy seemed sort of gross to him now. Sure, he gave up a lot to get this body and this mindset, but he started to think it was worth it. None of it mattered; no one had been able to recreate the accident. Evan was pretty sure that even is they could, he would refuse to take part. He also wondered if he was unconsciously sabotaging the project through his influential role...not that he really cared if he did.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Hi Tech

It hadn’t been too long ago that Evan had been the CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world. While other billionaires turned to philanthropy or space exploration, Evan had gotten involved in neurobiology. He had poured loads of his fortune into developing the ability to repair brain damage or complete transplants. The work was both experimental and revolutionary. He had been observing a test in one of the labs he owned that attempting to rewrite a neuropathway to convince a young woman to stop smoking. Unfortunately, something went wrong and everyone in attendance had their neuropathways mixed up with each other.

Evan found himself in the body of the young woman who had volunteered. However, he also felt like pieces of his brain were missing. He knew he was a tech expert, but now even turning on a computer seemed like an insurmountable task. He felt much more girlie and in love with all things pink. On the plus side, he didn’t have any urge to smoke.

In a lot of ways, it was hard to tell who really was who, but no one doubted Evan. Despite the ditziness of his new body, he still commanded respect. He still controlled his vast fortune. Of course, now he started buying expensive beauty treatments, designer clothes, and pink cars and such.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


“You gotta be kidding me,” Donovan thought as he saw his new reflection in the mirror.

A few days ago had been bad enough when he swapped bodies with a dweeb who was testing out some sort of body swapping device. Donovan hadn’t enjoyed going from an athletic jock to a scrawny weakling, but (much to Donovan’s relief) the other guy didn’t seem to excited about it either. Donovan quickly heard promises about fixing things as soon as possible.

Of course, when Donovan met up with the nerd to get back to normal, he never expected things to go awry yet again. And, if anything, things got even worse. Donovan found himself no longer in the nerd’s body, but standing in front of a mirror inside the body of a woman! He wasn’t sure if she was into ballet or in the drama club, but the outfit he now wore was absolutely bonkers. It was pink and frilly, and Donovan didn’t even want to go back to where he had been to explain the mistake. He didn’t want to even be see like this, but he guessed he had no choice.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Commute (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Blake slouched down a little disappointed. He was stuck in the wrong body, and what he thought would’ve been a joy quickly turned to a burden. The breasts were heavy; they were getting in the way; and he was sure people would stare just as he did.

Speaking of which, he finally thought to look at his former body. It was slumped over. With his own soul gone, it seemed no other soul had replaced it.

“Just great,” Blake sighed, wondering exactly what he was going to do now.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Commute (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
A devious smile came across Blake’s face. He could sure see an upside to all this. For starters, he no longer had to feel bad about staring. After all, he could now just look down any time he wanted. Or maybe he could just sneak off into the bathroom for an even better view in the mirror.

Except he didn’t exactly feel excited by these thoughts the way he would hope. Now that this body was his own, it just wasn’t nearly the turn on it had been when he had been a voyeur.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Commute (Part 1)

When he sat down on the train, Blake wasn’t expecting a memorable ride. He was just expecting a regular commute. Of course, his first pleasant surprise was the woman who sat down across from him.

He couldn’t help but stare. She was extremely well endowed, more than he could imagine was naturally possible. He would often look up from his phone to sneak a peak. He hoped she didn’t notice how often he looked.

About halfway through the ride the train jolted to a sudden stop. Blake felt like he was thrown out of his seat. In reality, only his spirit flew; his body stayed where it was.

The weight on his chest was unignorable. His soul had been thrown from his body, and it was now inside the body of the woman he had been staring at. He was now her with all her endowments.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Ed was growing impatient with his friend, Henry. Sure, he did initially agree to come over and help test a new body swapping device that Henry had invented, and the first test was a perfect swap between Ed and Henry. But things went very wrong when they tried to swap back. Instead of swapping back to his own body, Ed got swapped into the body of Henry’s sister, who was staying in his spare bedroom. Henry tried again and Ed wound up in the body of one of Henry’s neighbors.

Henry begged Ed to let him try again. As Ed sat there playing with now unfamiliar long hair, he told his friend that he wasn’t exactly confident at this point it would turn out okay. But he also realized he didn’t have much of a choice, as the last thing he wanted was to be stuck in this woman’s body.

Henry tried again, but this time nothing happened. It took Henry a minute to realize the internal batteries of his device were dead, and it would take several hours to recharge.  Nobody in the house was happy with Henry...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Christmas Wish

Ever since he was young, Marc had dreamed of one day just waking up as a woman. He knew he was probably transsexual, but he also didn’t have the courage to even dress like a woman in public, let alone get reassignment surgery. So it was mostly left to wishing.

Christmas was always tough. For some reason, it was always the time of year when he felt the worst about his gender. On Christmas Eve, he’d always wish harder than any other day of the year. And oddly, after 20 years of wishing and dreaming, he woke up Christmas morning  with the body of a woman.

Marc was overjoyed. He had never felt so great about life. He wanted to go out and enjoy everything the world had to offer. Sure, because it was Christmas everything was closed, but he still made the most of it. He finally felt whole and complete.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Curse of the Pumpkin Spice

Ever since they were teenagers, Franklin made fun of his sister’s love of pumpkin spice. He considered Jenn’s obsession a little crazy. But one year around August, she urged him to try just a sip of her latte. He reluctantly did, and even more reluctantly admitted it was actually pretty good. He decided to sneak one every now and again. Then it started ordering one every day. He began to notice other things about his tastes changed as well, like what clothes he decided to buy and wear. What he didn’t notice was how his body began to change. By the time November rolled around, he was going by the name Francine. He walked around his neighborhood with a pink puffer vest and an iced pumpkin spice latte in his hand.

When Jenn came to visit, she was floored. Franklin looked just like her. In fact, it was more than eerie; he had someone been transformed into practically her exact double. He even had her perky personality. Of course, he still knew exactly who he was (despite insisting on the name Francine), he just looked and acted exactly like Jenn...

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Selfie Check

John was trying to navigate the chaotic crowd he suddenly found himself in. John had his phone in his hand. He tried entering his passcode to access a map, but it didn’t seem to work. The one function he did get to work was the camera, which he turned on and accidentally flipped it to selfie view. He screamed when he saw his own face -- or what should have been his own face but was actually a woman’s face. The chaos of the crowd quickly made a lot more sense; he probably wasn’t the only one dealing with the fact that he was now someone else. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Gene adjusted his glasses in disbelief at the object he saw in the sky. It was like a strange floating disc, and there seemed to be a beam of light coming from it pointed straight toward him. In the next moment, the disc disappeared and the sky became a darker color. Gene wondered for a moment if he had imagined what he saw.

But it was no illusion. Gene did indeed seeing a flying saucer. The aliens inside beamed him inside. They performed all sorts of experiments on him to try to figure out how humans worked. They removed organs; they put organs back; they wiped memories. When the aliens had finished, they placed Gene and the other humans they experimented on back. Of course, not quite understanding how humans worked, they weren’t picky which organs went back in which human. As long as the body continued to survive -- which was easy with their technology -- the aliens were satisfied. Gene’s brain, for instance, was placed in the body of a woman they abducted.

Gene began to tell himself he must have imagined it and began to walk back to his car. It took only two steps before he realized something was wrong. Whatever he had seen clearly had done something -- it had swapped him into a woman’s body! How was such a thing possible in only an instant? He didn’t even know he had been on the ship or that a full day had passed...

Friday, August 14, 2020


It was like some sort of weird cliche out a movie. Jessica received word that her Great Uncle Herb had died, and he had left her a big inheritance. There was a comically absurd condition that she spend 24 hours in a supposedly haunted house. It seemed absolutely insane. Jessica had never heard of a Great Uncle named Herb, and haunted houses were bunk.

It all seemed like easy money.

However, not long after stepping into the house, Jessica felt strange. She felt herself fading away. Herb immediately began to take over her body. It had been his plan all along. He knew the dark arts, he knew how to make his spirit linger in this house after his death, and he knew how to possess a new body. He also knew it needed to be a relative, and his niece Jessica  was a perfect age. Sure, he’d be a woman for the next forty or fifty years, but he could deal with that. Then the process would repeat again.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


 “Ew! The clearance rack? And at THIS store?” Alicia chided her friend Mike as he stopped on the sidewalk to look over some clothes for sale.

“It’s been two weeks since the Shift, and all I have are the clothes I was wearing when swapped into this body and the three outfits you loaned to me,” He rationalized, “I got to start learning about buying clothes for this body sooner or later.”

“And the first thing you need to learn is that you are a woman now, and women need to have standards.”

“If you say so. I guess it’s finally time for you to take me some place then.”

Alicia smiled, “I thought you’d never ask...”

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Cursed Apartment

Carly had moved into the apartment two months ago, her first after graduating college. Things had been going well until the bathroom sink stopped working on a Friday night as she planned for a night out. She called the super in a panic, and she was pleasantly surprised when arrived quickly. The super was an old man. He seemed nice enough, but she was a little creeped out by the way he eyed her up. He told her the repairs would only take about ten minutes.

And sure enough, after ten minutes, the super yelled for Carly to come in. He was cleaning up and explaining the problem; Carly was just disinterested and ready to leave. But things took a weird turn when the super started saying something in a foreign language. Suddenly, Carly’s joints ached and there was a rag in her hand. She saw her own body and her jaw dropped.

“What did you do?” She screamed, “Why am I you?”

“You’ll get used to it,” Her own body said, “I did. I was a young man before the super before me took my body. I didn’t want to be a chick, but I didn’t have much of a choice. There’s some sort of curse in the building. A new tenant switches into the super’s body, who then switches with the next new tenant. You’ll have all the handyman’s know-how, even about how to swap again. You just have to wait for a renter to ask for a repair. It’ll be just like this, but you’ll be on the other end of it. And I’ll even help you out. Consider this my notice; I’ll be out by the end of the month.”

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


It was all a blur for Chris. He had been standing in one spot, then was suddenly standing in another. His former body came up the person next to him, seeming scared and looking for comfort. The man was surprised and pushed his former body, and a fight soon broke out.

It took Chris a minute to piece it all together, but looking down and realizing he now had a woman’s body helped him to figure it out. He must’ve swapped with this woman’s girlfriend somehow. She was scared and looking for comfort from her man, but he just thought it was some random guy coming on to him.

Chris tried to calm them down, but it was already too late. The fight was too intense. It wasn’t long before Chris watched his former body get his lights knocked out...

Monday, August 10, 2020

Late Night

Awaking in the middle of the night, Burt was really regretting those two extra large bacon cheeseburgers he had for dinner. His stomach was more than upset, it literally felt like that burger wanted to rip his insides out. He stumbled as he made his way to the bathroom. Everything felt completely out of place. He finally found a light to help guide his way, but when he turned it on, he was face to face with a mirror and the face looking back at him was feminine and pretty. But that wasn’t even the biggest shock -- the pregnant belly he now had! He was in someone else’s body and in someone else’s house! And the sickness he was feeling wasn’t due to his poor dinner choices, but likely due to this pregnancy!

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Brian had been swimming in the surf when he suddenly found himself walking along the boardwalk instead. He hadn’t been anywhere near the boardwalk, and he wondered how he got here. As he walked, he made a clicking sound on the boards, and he soon noticed the heels on his feet and the very different body he now possessed. He quickly ran to a sightseeing telescope, making more frantic clicking sounds with his shoes. 

He looked out into the distance, just barely able to make his body in the waves. It seemed just as confused as he was, except with the danger of the undertow instead of the safety of dry land. He wanted to scream out, for someone to save his body. But it was much too far away, and if he screamed, he might draw attention his way instead of to his drowning body. He could only watch helplessly from a distance as it went under. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Unpleasant (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.

John was able to safely escape and remove his gag. As he came to a clearing, he encountered a gun club practicing. This was the sort of thing John typically loved, but now felt a little bit of unease due to his current body.

He approached cautiously as he picked up a gun a portable rack. “Mind if I join you guys?” He asked with a shaky voice.

One of the members approached, a guy with a very large weapon. He seemed annoyed as he spoke, “You already forgetting our blind date and the best thirty second of your life in the back of my truck?”

John stood there shocked, but he had an idea. “Thom?” He asked.

“Glad you remember, Princess.”

John realized this was the guy who the woman was angry at, and it was obvious what he must have done. This situation was likely no more safe than the one he just left. He looked at the gun in his hands. He could get a shot in; Thom probably deserved it. But would he do it?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Unpleasant (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.

It was probably just dumb luck, but John managed to get his hands free right as the woman transformed into a man tried to climb on top of him. A swift punch to the groin and John was able to run and hide. With his hands free, he knew he could probably figure out how to remove the gag; he could explain who he was; maybe he’d even be transformed back into his own body. But from his hidden vantage point, he saw an angry person that didn’t look like they wanted to listen. The safest course of action wasn’t going to be to talk, it was going to be to escape. He knew it meant he’d be stuck in the body of this woman likely for good, but he wasn’t sure he had a better option.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


John awoke in the woods with his hands tied behind his back and a gag in his mouth. Despite the restriction of his movements, he could feel that his body was unfamiliar. It only took a moment to realize he had been transformed into a woman.

Another woman was standing in front of him smirking. “Surprised?” She asked. He swore she was changing too, transforming into a man, “Don’t be. All this serves you right.” Her voice grew deeper as she completely changed, “After you violated me, I wanted revenge, and now I’ll get it. Are you ready, Thom?”

John wanted to protest. This woman thought he was some guy named Thom. It was mistaken identity, or maybe he was the one transformed into this woman by accident instead of Thom. He couldn’t yell; he couldn’t explain the truth. And judging by her talk of revenge and the look in the woman-turned-man’s eyes, he was about to experience something very unpleasant...

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Marvin was exhausted. He hadn’t slept a wink in the 24 hours since Olivia had stolen his body. At least, that’s what he assumed happened. He knew Olivia was a witch; she had no shortage of spells. In fact, he had spent much of the past day digging through them in various books. They were all sprawled out around him, but he couldn’t find any body swapping spell in any of them. But he was sure it had to be somewhere...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


“Ugh. How much longer?” Kevin complained.

“We’re almost done,” His wife Gina replied, “This would all go a lot faster if you learned to do this yourself.”

“I still don’t see why I just can’t roll out of bed and throw some clothes on like I used to.”

“Because you’re not a guy anymore. Thanks to the Great Shift last month, you’re a girl now. It’s a lot more work. There’s hair, makeup, and outfit selection. It’s all stuff you really need to learn how to do.”

“But what about pants? Can’t I at least wear pants instead of this dress? You’re wearing pants!”

“Because I know what I’m doing. Maybe once you start doing this all yourself, you can pick out an outfit with pants as well.” 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Purple Lightning (Part 4)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
Click here for Part 3.
Ted rushed back into the water. He started splashing it on himself, hoping the effects of the second strike of purple lightning would still be in the water and still be able to return him to his own body. But he had missed his chance.

It seemed most people who had stayed in the water did return to normal, having only a short window in a different body. But it seemed for people like Ted who left (or those who swapped with someone who left) were stuck. There’s be no third strike, no second chance.

Ted was now a woman for good.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Purple Lightning (Part 3)

Click here for Part 1.
Click here for Part 2.
As he finally stood on the shore once again, Ted had become completely mesmerized by his new body. He was beginning to explore like he wasn’t out in public, but he stopped himself before he went too far. How much he supposed to live like this? How as he supposed to adapt?

How was he even supposed to know who he was now? This skimpy bikini certainly didn’t have any ID or anything. Maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe this whole mess would just reverse itself.

Just as he began to think this he heard a noise and jerked his head around to look back at the ocean. Another shot of purple lightning had struck...

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Purple Lightning (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Ted began to walk back toward shore. He kept wanting to tell himself that this wasn’t happening, but the feeling of his body told him that it was indeed. The weirdest part was his upper body. It was like he was carrying weights in this bikini top that he just couldn’t take out. They were distracting and just so unfamiliar. Others nearby seemed just as confused or shocked as he was, but he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, he was only worried about himself right now; this was weirder than anything he couldn’t possibly ever dreamed of...