Monday, December 5, 2011

ASAP! (Part 2)

Click here for Part 1.
Dr. Blake sighed. He spent horus trying to fix his machine with no luck. Miho consoled him; he’d figure it out. Maybe he just needed a good night’s rest. They both thought it would be weird if they both went to Dr. Blake’s house--a freshman sleeping over at a professor’s house could start all sorts of rumors--so Miho in Dr. Blake’s body would go back to Dr. Blake’s house (fortunately, he was single and lived alone), and Dr. Blake would go back to Miho’s dorm. She said her roommate would likely be out partying and to just ignore any drunken stumbled heard late at night. They’d regroup in the morning. Dr. Blake sighed again; he wasn’t exactly looking forward to spending the night as Miho.


  1. Exciting second part :D I hope other people get involved and there are more 'malfunctions' :)

  2. Thanks for continuing. Great story!! Now I've done a 180. The student seems too calm about it & has taalkde the prof into living her life that night in her dorm room. Anyway I can't wait to see what happens next.Maybe the drunken stumbling will be her BF? LOL! Anyway thanks!

    Also, a big thanks to see the return of listing your other Bios! I've missed them.
