It was the third night of Nate's vacation when he decided to get so drunk that he blacked out. He couldn't remember a thing about the night before, so imagine his shock when he awoke the next day to find himself in someone else's body--and a woman's at that! Fortunately, he found a note left for him that read, "If you ever want to see your body again, meet me downstairs with a suitcase packed at 9:30PM." Nate quickly got dressed in some of the women's clothes that had been thrown about the room. He packed his things, went downstairs, and waited. A car pulled up, and a window rolled down. He was so thankful to see his own face, and joyously shouted, "Oh my God! Thank you so much! I can't wait to swap back into my own body!"
"Who said anything about swapping back?" His own body asked, "I only asked if you wanted to SEE your body again."
wicked & funny!