Adam was simply walking down the street when he felt woozy; it was like the world was spinning around him. When he regained his composure, something was different. He was in an alley with some plants beginning to grow on the side of one of the building. He was wearing incredibly short shorts and teetering on high heeled boots. The biggest shock, of course, was seeing two large massive boobs hanging from his chest. He surmised that he had somehow been transformed into a woman. The fact of the matter was that it had actually been the result of a world wide bodyswapping phenomenon later called the Great Shift. With no purse and no ID anywhere on his person, Adam didn't know whose body he had ended up in, but knew that it was definitely sexy.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
How but who? (Part 1)
Adam was simply walking down the street when he felt woozy; it was like the world was spinning around him. When he regained his composure, something was different. He was in an alley with some plants beginning to grow on the side of one of the building. He was wearing incredibly short shorts and teetering on high heeled boots. The biggest shock, of course, was seeing two large massive boobs hanging from his chest. He surmised that he had somehow been transformed into a woman. The fact of the matter was that it had actually been the result of a world wide bodyswapping phenomenon later called the Great Shift. With no purse and no ID anywhere on his person, Adam didn't know whose body he had ended up in, but knew that it was definitely sexy.
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