Tim was bowling when the Great Shift happened, and it swapped him into the body of a woman who was walking outside. There was a lot for him to be pissed about. For starters, he was now a woman! That was bad enough, but the heels she was wearing were insanely tall. He had now become 15 years younger, and he felt so weak. At least the bowling alley would be able to help him on one of his problems. He went up to the counter and offered $100 from the woman's purse to buy a pair of bowling shoes that would fit. He sat on the floor to change and then headed on home, thankful he wouldn't have to walk in those heels the woman owned.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bowling shoes
Tim was bowling when the Great Shift happened, and it swapped him into the body of a woman who was walking outside. There was a lot for him to be pissed about. For starters, he was now a woman! That was bad enough, but the heels she was wearing were insanely tall. He had now become 15 years younger, and he felt so weak. At least the bowling alley would be able to help him on one of his problems. He went up to the counter and offered $100 from the woman's purse to buy a pair of bowling shoes that would fit. He sat on the floor to change and then headed on home, thankful he wouldn't have to walk in those heels the woman owned.
For the most part it didn't bother Wayne that he swapped bodies with a stripper who was giving him a lapdance at the time of the Great Shift. Sure, her wardrobe was a little revealing, but at least he was able to look at a sexy, naked woman any time he wanted. However, she was significantly shorter than him, causing a few problems reaching for various items around his house. It was an inconvenience he was happy to deal with.
Living proof
When the Great Shift hit, Henry was bummed out to be stuck in the body of a chubby girl. Then he looked more closely. He was actually sort of cute, maybe he could eat better and exercise? Would that work? He decided to try. He ate a healthy diet and went to the gym every day. Within a few years, he had morphed his body from a chubby girl into that of a fit woman. Sure, there were some parts of him that he could never change, but the Great Shift wan't the only thing that could transform someone's outer self and Henry (or Henrietta as he preferred to be called now) was living proof.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Valet parking
Kevin was always paranoid about using valet parking; he was afraid they'd lose his car, or it would get stolen. He reluctantly used the service at a wedding he attended, and when he went to pick his car up, he nearly freaked when they brought him someone else's car. They told him to stand by the sign and wait as they sorted out the situation. He could hear the supervisor yelling at the valets in a language he didn't understand, then they looked at him. Kevin nervously paced around the sign as their stares started to burn into him. He felt a sharp pain as his body morphed around him, but it only lasted a few seconds. When it ended, he found that he was an entirely new person, presumably the owner of the car that the valet brought out. Kevin was now a woman wearing a leather jacket, tight black leggings, and very high heels. He didn't see this woman at the wedding, so he assumed she was attending one of the other events in the same building. Then he heard a yell over to him. "Excuse me," the voice said, "But we are absolutely sure that this IS your car now."
Wacko invention
"Sis, we really need to figure out a way to switch back to our own bodies. I don't think I can stand another day in high school! I'm supposed to be in third grade! It's tough, and the way the boys stare at me...er, you...well, it's uncomfortable!" Jack told his big sister, who he swapped bodies with yesterday.
"I don't like being in your body either...or going to your school. I'm so bored. But what are we going to tell people? That our dad's wacko invention switched our brains? No one's going to buy that! Let's just hope that when we get home today he has it fixed."
Good time
Aaron was excited when he saw the smile on Kelly's face, "So I take it that you had as good a time in my body as I did in yours?"
Kelly nodded, "How would you feel about making this swap permanent?"
"You mean I'd get to be you forever?" Aaron asked, "Oh, my god! Yes! I've loved being a woman and was going to ask you the same thing! That medallion was the best thing we ever found!"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"I know your experiment is responsible for this! Switch me back now!" Ryan yelled from the body of Sgt. Maggie Wilson while pointing a gun to head scientist at the base where they all worked.
"I can't," he explained, "You only THINK you are Ryan! You ARE ACTUALLY Maggie! I just transplanted all of Ryan's thoughts and memories into you! I'm sorry that I lost you're original brain patterns! There's nothing I can do! I could effectively switch your brain patterns with his, he'd be back in here in two days doing the exact same thing you are now!"
Somehow Maggie knew he was right. She may think of her herself as Ryan. She could remember everything about being him, down to the smallest detail, but the fact that he could feel the sway of Maggie's hips as he walked the weight of her breasts...the muscle memory was just too familiar...
Ian was sitting on a park bench when he heard an ear-piercing noise. He covered his ears, but it did no good. He eventually cringed down in pain, but then the noise started to dissipate. He sat back up and slowly started to pull his hands from his ears. That's when he looked around to realize he was in a different park in an entirely different city. It took Ian a little longer to notice that he was in a different body! The noise had caused him to swap with a beautiful woman in a pink dress clear across the country!
Dying moment
At 80 years old and on a respirator in a hospital, Eugene knew that he didn't have much more time. As his doctor looked over him, explaining something to him, but he zoned out. He knew this was it; his life was being sucked out of him...then something strange happened. He suddenly saw himself looking down at himself dying. He initially thought he was floating towards heaven, but didn't seem to be getting anywhere, and that's when he realized he was inside the doctor's body! He was worried! He didn't know anything about being a doctor--or even a woman for that matter! He hid in her office for a while until he heard more screams about people who had swapped bodies. It seemed everyone in the hospital had. They'd soon learn it was almost everyone in the world!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Run away
"You can't just steal my body, leaving me in yours and then just run away! Give it back!"
"I can't? I think I just did, and unless you want everyone thinking you are crazy, I suggest shutting up about this whole 'bodyswap' thing. Really, it's likely to get you locked up. Better get used to your life as a young woman. I know I'm going to enjoy mine as a man!"
No more ballet
Ben looked at his sister's old ballet slippers. She had begged him to keep up with her ballet training after the Great Shift swapped him into her body, but he really had absolutely no interest. Instead he had joined the swim team, something he always had interest in but was never able to do because of his old physical disability. He tossed the slippers aside, glad he would never need a wheelchair again, and walked away to swim practice in his wetsuit.
What are they capable of?
"Hey, Bob," Gus mumbled, "I know our daughters stole our bodies and ran off after we grounded them for sneaking off to that party last night, but do you really think it's a good idea to go off and try to find them? I mean, after all, if they are capable of swapping bodies, who knows what else they are capable of?"
"Gus, you can sit around in your daughter's body all you want, but I'm not about to let Cassie get away with this."
Friday, June 26, 2009
Like a fairy princess
"Give me back my body, Darren!" Jennifer screaming while grabbing her old body's arm.
"Let go!" Darren yelled back, "I told you that I don't know how to swap us back! I don't even know how we swapped in the first place!"
"Okay, fine, but can you at least dress in a way that doesn't make me look like a fairy princess?"
"I know it's hard to accept, but this is my body now, and I can dress it however I damn well please!"
Once Jacob realized that Rachel had stolen his body, he was determined to get it back! He took her dogs and a shirt she left behind and used them to try and track his old body. He felt pretty stupid walking around in her body. Though if this plan didn't work, he knew he would have to get used to it. He seriously hoped this plan would work!
Sammy was always angry about his stepmom telling him what to do...especially taking baths! How did she have the right? She wasn't even his real mom! So when his dad's invention went haywire and swapped into his stepmom's body, the 10-year-old decided to get his revenge. He wore all of her favorite, nicest clothes, and then got ready to jump into the bathtub! If she wanted him to take a bath--he was taking a bath!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
"Holy shit! Look at you, Tim! You must be adjusting to the Great Shift well. I mean, I just threw on some of my wife's old shorts and flip flops, but you are wearing nice designer jeans and, my god, those heels! How do you even walk in them? I mean, my wife made me try, but I fell flat on my face! I've adjusted to being female okay, but you've got it down to an art!"
When the Great Shift hit, causing Justin to swap into his sister's body, he couldn't believe the skimpy outfit she was wearing! He had no idea she even OWNED clothes this revealing, let alone ever wore them! However, he couldn't deny that she must, seeing that he was now in her body wearing them! He was planning on giving her a hard time about it next time he saw her. Of course, she would quickly twist it back around to make fun of him almost instantly.
Never swim in a thunderstorm
Jim had always wondered why his mom had warned him about swimming in the lake during a thunderstorm. He was in the center of the lake when the clouds began to form, and he quickly made his way back to shore. However, before he made it a bolt struck the lake, lighting the whole area in a strange glow. The clouds disappeared as quickly as they came, and Jim looked around with puzzlement. He was now on the complete other side of the lake, having swapped bodies with a woman who was wading there. The lightning must've caused a strange electronic field that swapped their bodies!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hands off
Mark could never keep his hands off his girlfriend Cheryl's sexy body. He was feeling it up and kissing it. What he didn't know was that inside his girlfriend's body was the mind of her 60 year old father; they had swapped bodies in a strange accident. He kept trying to push off Mark's advances to no avail. After they switched back, he was going to recommend that his daughter dump this guy!
When the Great Shift hit, Peter suddenly found himself wearing a tight leather outfit and was backstage at some club. He grabbed his ass in shock! He wasn't sure if this was a performance venue or strip club or what...he just knew something about this was very, very wrong. He was an introvert before the Shift, so he couldn't imagine what kind of woman would dress herself up like this exhibitionist, but he was hoping he could slip away.
Even if it is mine
"Look, Tiffany," Eric growled, "You may have stolen my body and its strength, but you have no idea how to use it. I was an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and even in your weaker body, I still am! So if you don't start explaining how to switch our bodies back right this instant, I will snap your damn neck...even if it is mine!"
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Talk show
"Oh my God! The Great Shift was the greatest thing that ever happened! Look at these amazing legs! And these fantastic shoes to go with them!"
David Letterman could only laugh at the young man's enthusiasm about the Shift. Though, sure, he had done alright after the worldwide bodyswap as well, being in the body of Tyra Banks now and all...
The old west
Mad Dog Morgan was on the run from the law with a wanted poster in every town in the Old West. He needed to hide, but how? While he was having a drink at a saloon, an old man told him that he could help make it so the law wouldn't recognize him. The old man told him there would be a price, and Mad Dog was quick to pull some gold out of his pocket. But the old man refused, saying the price would be obvious soon enough, and that it wasn't gold or money. Mad Dog seemed confused, and asked what the man's plan was. The old man told him to simply walk out of the saloon door, and no one will ever recognize him as Mad Dog Morgan ever again. Mad Dog laughed, but did as he was told, hoping for any chance to evade the law. He walked out the door and wondered what he would look like now. He waked back into the saloon, but the old man was gone. When he found a mirror, he looked in and realized the price...he was a dame!
Mike felt weird and instantly woke up...maybe part of that weird feeling was that he never remembered going to sleep! He was actually at a party when the Great Shift hit and ended up swapping bodies with a woman sleeping in nearby apartment. The weird feelings would continue as he came to know his new body, and it's differences from his former male one. Mike was having a hard time with the fact that he was in someone else's apartment in someone else's body. He thought for sure he must be hallucinating, so he grabbed some clothes and went back to the party!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Second chance
Sarah and Ben were one of many couples that were affected by the Great Shift. Ben thought that Sarah was going to leave him for sure after they both found themselves in the bodies of sexy, young women. However, fifty years of marriage couldn't be undone by a catostophic world-wide bodyswapping event. It was not only a second chance at life, but a second chance at their relationship, a way to breathe a new life into it. Both Sarah and Ben couldn't be happier.
Unlike most people who swapped genders as a result of the Great Shift, the first thing Doug felt the need to touch was not his new breasts or vagina but his face. He had such a hairy face that there was stubble even right after shaving, so a smooth face so foreign to him. For hours he touched it trying to get used to the feeling. It wouldn't be long before he explored other hairless areas on his body.
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