Wednesday, October 16, 2024


“Hey, Amy, wake up. Wake up!” Kyle said while pushing on his body, “I’m here to free you, but I have some bad news.”

“I know,” Amy sighed, “They used that machine to swap our bodies. I’ve woken up a few times, but I think your body has a concussion.”

“That’s not the bad news. It’s the fact that the machine has been destroyed.”

“So we’re stuck like this?”

“It’s worse. No one is coming to save us. If we want to get out of this place, we’re on our own. I don’t know how we’ll adapt to being each other once all of this is over, but I’m guessing we’ll have to find a way.”

“We could tell the media -- tell the world about what they do here!”

“Tell them that they switched our bodies in a secret facility? They’ll call us crazy; they’ll lock US up! We’d need some sort of evidence.”

“Our swapped bodies aren’t evidence?”

“Except thre’s nothing to prove we actually swapped...”

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Miss Worldwide

Jason had found himself on the other side of the world after the Great Shift happened. His first thought was to try to tell people he knew that he was alive and well, despite now being in the body of an Asian woman. But phones and email seemed to be struggling, likely due to everyone needed for basic maintenance of these systems were also swapped. He was sure they’d be back up soon, and in the meantime he spent his days studying his new face in the mirror.

She was certainly an attractive woman with plenty of makeup and lots of fancy clothes, though Jason was opting for things like comfortable pants and sweatshirts that seemed to be stuffed in the back of the closet.

After some time, he decided to go around the neighborhood; he’d eventually run out of food in her apartment. People in this woman’s building didn’t seem to speak any English, and the signs on the streets weren’t much help either; but he did manage to find a mall. And inside he saw something that truly shocked him.

It looked like an ad for perfume, but the woman in the ad -- was him (or, more precisely, the woman’s body he currently had). He was in the body of a model! Or an actress! Or something like that! And, sure enough, as he stood next to the ad, other people began to notice it as well. It wasn’t long before a small crowd gathered round to try to talk to Jason in a language he didn’t understand or ask for an autograph or take a selfie together. He had thought being swapped into a body that was a different gender on the other side of the world was wild, but the fact that he was a celebrity took it to a whole new level!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Into the Game

Being sucked inside a video game was pretty cool, though ending up as the game’s sole female character was a little awkward for Jake. He was sure he didn’t select her; he never played as her. She was so obviously the weakest character. And yet..

She may have been the game’s weakest character, but this body was certainly significantly stronger than his original body. When he kicked the wall, it caused the concrete to crumble. He began to think this might not be so bad. Plus, as he looked down, it might be fun to have a woman’s body for a while.

Of course, he didn’t have too much time to enjoy it. Another fighter soon appeared, ready to challenge him. He didn’t really want to fight, but it also seemed he didn’t have a choice. And while the fight wasn’t that bad, he imagined it was only going to get a lot more difficult from here.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


“That’s quite the wild story, young lady,” Officer Mike Jabowski lamented.

Gus took a deep breath. He was worried he wasn’t getting through to his partner. Trying to explain who he really was despite the body he now had; attempting to tell him it had something to do with some low-level criminal they apprehended the other day; he could tell Mike was dismissing all of it in his head. Gus made one last go at it, “I don’t expect you to believe me. Hell, if our situations were reversed, I wouldn’t believe it either. But I’m not even asking you to believe a crazy body swapping story; I’m just telling you to watch your back from now on. Whoever is actually in my body can’t be trusted. I don’t want to see you get hurt, okay? I took a lot of risk tailing you both just so I could wait for him to go to the bathroom to tell you this as soon as I could. If I’m still here when he gets out, I don’t want to know what he’ll do. So I’m going to bounce, okay? Just promise me you’ll watch yourself, okay?”

Mike still didn’t want to believe this woman. She was crazy, right? And yet there was just something very familiar. Maybe his partner had been acting off this shift? He looked at her square in the eyes, “I’ll watch myself. Now you get out of here, okay?”

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Rerun (Part 1)

Get early access to all parts of this story by subscribing at the "A Little Shift" level on DeviantArt!

“How can you be so calm about this, Jenn?” Nick asked, “We’ve literally been sucked into a rerun on the television.”

“You’re just mad because I’m in the body of the main character, a preppy popular boy! And you’re stuck in a supporting role as one of the teachers, a loser woman who settled for that job!” She retorted.

“No, I’m worried because this is really weird! Are we just running through the series? What happens if we break from the script? And most of the teachers were written out after the first season to focus on the kids. So am I concerned about being a supporting character? Sure, but that’s because I have no idea what happens to me if we don’t find a way out of this before that point!”

“Why can’t you just let me enjoy myself for a little while? I loved this show growing up!”

Nick sighed, “Okay, fine. Whatever episode we’re stuck in, we finish it -- do whatever we need to do based on what we remember about the plot -- but then we try to find a way out of this, okay?”