Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Check Under the Bed

“You’d better check under the bed for the medallion! If we don’t find it, we’ll never be able to swap back,” Jessica told Jason.

“How am I supposed to --” Jason caught himself mid-sentence, “--that’s right, beause I’m the small one now.”

He sighed as he got in his knees to go look under the bed. He had hated the past twelve hours in Jessica’s body. She was only an inch over five feet tall and always wore large heels to compensate for that. Even with them on, it was still a foot shorter than his own body. The only benefit was their time rolling around in the bed together. He liked how it felt to be picked up or practically tossed around in moments of passion. But still, it wasn’t something he would give up his original body for. And so the search for the medallion continued. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in Jessica’s body forever!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Hot Day

Going down into the subway station on a hot day felt like walking into an oven. On an especially hot day like today, Anderson knew it would be particularly bad. He took a deep breath before descending the steps and began to feel woozy from the heat as he stepped down.

He guessed the heat must be really getting to his head, as he found himself standing at the platform without remembering walking over. When the train bellowed into the station, he expected it to blow refreshing air onto him, but instead he could feel sweaty clothes clinging to him that were blown by the air the subway pushed in.

Curiously, he was covered head-to-toe in a modest, conservative dress that seemed to be covering up a female body that was certainly not his own. He grabbed the dress, wanting to take at least something off, though he wasn’t exactly sure where to even start. He also thought about looking for his original body to try to figure out what happened. But when the train doors opened, he could feel the cool breeze from the air conditioned cars on his face. He knew the obvious choice was to step inside the train and enjoyed the cooled air within.


Many people will talk about their Great Shift experiences, and some people will tell you they didn’t know they were in the wrong body until they stood up. Others said it was when they first went to the bathroom.

I’m convinced these people are liars.

I could tell from the second I opened my eyes. Hell, I think I knew even before I opened my eyes. A woman’s body just FEELS different. I imagine being in just about any different body from your own feels different, but I had the experience of being a man before the Shift and being a woman after -- and that clearly just FEELS different. It wasn’t anything specific either, more like a general sense of ennui. You still have a body, but there’s nothing that feels right about it anymore. The Great Shift made things like my distant memory of the rapid changes of puberty seem downright sluggish in comparison.

So, yeah, you notice things are wrong. People that say otherwise are liars.

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Joys of Science (Part 3)

View Part 1 of The Joys of Science.
View Part 2 of The Joys of Science.

Ron’s girlfriend had gotten quite jealous after he had hit on Julia in front of her. The entire rest of the evening was filled with tension. Ron had made plans to take her back to a motel room at the end of the night, but he eventually found himself losing interest once the time rolled around. He thought back to his interaction with Julia, but his interest in her had waned as well. And so the night ended uneventfully, with Ron returning home and falling asleep in his own bed. The next morning would be quite the opposite.

As Ron slept, he had an odd dream of being in the locker room with the rest of the football team. It started off normally enough, but then Ron started making explicit offers to his teammates. Ron woke up in a cold sweat; he bolted upright in fear. Did he just dream he was gay? Did he have a secret inside of him that he was just realizing now? A macho football player like him? It seemed impossible in Ron’s mind, but upon catching a glimpse of himself in a mirror across the room, a brand new definition of “impossible” was starting to form.

In contrast to the photos on the wall of his former body in all it’s game playing glory, the reflection was that of a beautiful blonde woman. He tried telling himself that he was still dreaming. It had to be part of the dream, right? This had to be just a different manifestation of that same fear. The thought of his teammates was turning his new body on in ways he both recognized, but also completely unfamiliar with from a first person perspective.

He tried for quite a while to wake himself up, but he wasn’t asleep. He had truly transformed into a woman. He began to cry. He didn’t want to be a woman; he immediately wished he WAS simply gay. At least he could still play football is he was; he couldn’t play like this!

And, of course, he had no idea his change in gender was the result of Julian spiking the punch with his potion at last night’s prom.

Strike Twice

Elijah had been caught in the rainstorm and took cover under a bus shelter. It wasn’t doing much good as the shelter had three open sides and the wind was blowing hard. He pushed himself as far back as he could against the metallic wall of the shelter to try to stay dry.

He didn’t expect the lightning to be of any concern. But something strange happened when it hit the shelter. Elijah could feel the electricity pulse from the metal structure and into his body. But instead of being electrocuted, it felt like it was messing with the impulses in his brain.

A huge headache overcame him, and the next thing he knew, he was back out in the pouring rain. While his body was getting soaked, he couldn’t help but notice that it wasn’t his body. The lightning had somehow swapped him with another person -- a woman! Instead of running for cover this time, he quickly found the nearest metallic pole he could find and grabbed onto it. If the lightning was able to swap his body once, surely it could do it again!