Saturday, March 22, 2025

Instagram Model

Olivia told Ron not to panic. Quite honestly, it was much easier said than done. They had swapped bodies, and he was stuck as her! His face felt like plastic. He could feel the heavy makeup on his eyes every time he blinked. His mouth seemed to be upturned into a slight smile at all times -- even when he tried to frown.

Olivia, on the other hand, was much less concerned about the actual swap than she was ensuring content would continue to flow to her Instagram. She told Ron he could avoid videos for now, but he should post at least three selfies each day -- and if they could each be with unique outfits, it would be better.

He snapped a quick pic to keep her happy. Olivia actually told him it wasn’t bad for his first try. Ron hoped that would be the only one he’d have to take, but (unfortunately for him) it was actually the first of many...

Friday, March 21, 2025


It had to be a dream, didn’t it? Except it seemed like Fred couldn’t wake up. He was wondering a building inside someone else’s body -- a woman’s body -- and he eventually came to a hallway. There were a lot of doors, and a voice over the loud speaker said something about picking a door. Then it mentioned that picking the correct door would get his body back, but the wrong door? Well, that’s when the voice became overwhelmed by static and he couldn’t hear any more.

And so Fred wandered down the hallway. He had a chance to get his body back, but there were just so many doors! The likelihood that he’d go back to normal seemed so low. But then again, it’s not like he wanted to be stuck as a woman either. So he had to take a chance, right? And so he opened a door, and...

Historical Shift

Scientists were leaving no stone unturned as they attempted to undo the effects of the Great Shift, experimenting with advanced tehcniques in quantum physics and spacetime relativeity to achieve their goals. What they didn’t realize was that their efforts were leeching pieces of the Shift into the past.

They had no way to know how they were changing the past, as they had already become true in the future. In fact, numerous random body swaps from the past had already been taken into account in the scientists’ work. While most were between two random and relatively unknown people, there were some notable ones.

There had been, of course, a lot of research into Abe Lincoln’s body swap in the midst of the Civil War. Though the scientists looked at significant historical record at the time, they had very little evidence that traced it back to their own work. Most of the time, it was dead ends and the occasional cracking of a “Babe Lincoln” joke. They remained completely oblivious that they were the ones responsible.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bao Bao

“It’s been a week since we swapped bodies, Mom. You can’t keep doing everything,” Jin said reluctantly, “You’ve been attending my college classes as well as doing all the cooking and cleaning around the house. I guess it’s time I start pulling my weight.”

“But my little Bao Bao,” Jin’s mother replied, “You are a horrible cook, and you can’t even clean your own room. How do you expect to maintain the entire house.”

“Please stop calling me that! It was embarrassing enough in my 18 year old body, but now that I’m in your 50 year old one, it just feels weird! As for your responsibilities around here, I guess I’m just going to have to learn! You’ll just have to teach me!”

“That sounds like more work than just doing it myself! If you really want to help out, maybe you can start wearing some of my dresses or something? I think your father is getting suspicious when you dress my body up like a slob!”

“Oh, hell no! I’m not wearing a dress! And Dad doesn’t care about what you wear; he doesn’t even notice. The reason he’s suspicious had nothing to do with the clothes I’m wearing while in your body, but we are absolutely NOT going to talk about THAT. And he can continue to be suspicious all he wants; I’m NOT going to convince him otherwise.”


Just a fun reminder that subscribers on DeviantArt are the ones that REALLY keep this site alive. Seriously. You should all thank them. They are amazing. If you want to be one, I seriously appreciate your support. I realize that this is not something that everyone can do, which is why I appreciate those that do all the more! Thank you! You are all amazing!!!

“Well, look at this little hottie,” Harvey slipped over to see the woman working at cubicle 3F. “Are you new here?”

“No, Harvey. It’s me. It’s Lewis.” Lewis said from inside the body of a woman in a floral dress. “I signed into my office computer this morning, and it was subscribed to this website on DeviantArt. I think it was called Great Shift Captions or something? It was all these short stories with images of men being turned into women. The next thing I knew, I was a woman! I think it was some kind of prank...”

Harvey gave a knowing smile.

“Oh, hell, it was YOU, wasn’t it?” Lewis said quickly going from nervous to furious. “How do I undo this?”

“You just gotta unsubscribe.”

“But it’s not my account! It’s just on my computer!”